Save Me ~

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In the Hospital in Room 110~

Luciel wake up...
-Seven wakes up-
Calm down Luciel...
Where is Mc?!?! An intruder broke in last night. Do you remember what happened? Mc got taken away again from my brother Saeran! That little jerk... I NEED TO GET MC BACK! No Luciel you have to stay here for a few days. I need Mc, I need to save her!
I'm sorry Luciel you need to stay here because I need to know that your okay. I don't care I'm going back to get Mc! Your unstable Luciel just listen to me... You fainted because you couldn't breathe well. Its all Saerans fault! I wouldn't be here if he took Mc away from me... I know Luciel its tough but you'll get Mc back. When I almost fainted Saeran said to me that Mc is gonna loose her memory?!?! I need to go save her! Luciel please don't struggle your gonna be in more pain! I can't help it!!! Luciel relax... Mc!!! He's unstable we need a doctor. Please let me out of here, I don't belong here!
*A doctor comes in the room*
I'm here what's wrong?
Luciel is unstable he can't keep calm...
Okay I'll take care of this.
Luciel just relax okay...
I-I C-Can't Mc needs me. *Seven cries*
I'll come save you Mc just wait for me...

In Mint Eye in the dark room-
-Mc wakes up-
Huh why can't I move?!?!
*Mc struggles*
Its so tight!
Let me out of here!!!
-Door opens-
*Saeran walks in with a drink in his hand
Hello princess...
Saeran let me go!!!
Please I don't belong here!
Sure you do princess you'll become my little dolly soon...
I can't move!!!
Good at least you can still breathe.
Now hold still...
*Saeran walks over to Mc*
-Saeran leans over and kisses Mc's cheek
Shh it will be over soon...
What the hell are you talking about?!?!
Please Saeran I'm not your play toy!
You will be soon...
Now don't move.
What are you doing!?!?
*Saeran pours the drink into Mc's mouth
No please stop!?!?
*Mc faints*
Haha it has been done. Now her memory about Luciel is gone forever Hahaha! Ill unchain her...
*Saeran takes the chains off Mc*
There I'll be back when she wakes up.
-1 hour later-
-Mc wakes up-
Huh where am I?
This doesn't seem like home?
Hello anybody here...
-Saeran walks in-
Good morning princess...
Um who are you??
I'm Saeran the one that will be keeping you safe...
Why am I here exactly?
Mhm I just brought you here so I can keep you safe. You trust me right? Um I don't know... I have to get home. But you are home Mc...
How do you know my name?!?!
Oh right..
I just hacked your personal info thats all.
Relax Mc it will be okay trust me...
I can't trust you at all... Ill be leaving now... -Mc tries to walk towards the door but Saeran is standing in the way-
Mc I'm not gonna let you run off...
Why not?
I like you Mc, your just an angel.
Ohh thanks...
I want you to enjoy yourself here. Starting off with an outfit and a nice black choker for you...
-Saeran opens a closet full of Dresses-
Here pick one out...
Um okay. -Mc looks-
They all seem sexy?!
Wait a minute are you a perv!
What no I'm certainly not one I promise!
Hmm if you insist I'll pick one out...
Excellent ~
I'll take the black one.
-Mc grabs the back dress-
Good I'll also give you this.
What is it?
Its a choker perfectly goes around your neck.
I'll wear it ~
But first you need to get out I'm gonna change...
Oh right sorry!?
-Saeran steps out of the room-
*Mc changes*
Okay I'm done and I don't know if I like it. Okay I'll come in now...
-Saeran steps in the room seeing Mc in the black stripper dress
Do you like it on me~
Of course I do you look good in it...
See your gonna be an excellent doll.
A what?
Oh nothing you just look so pretty ~
Thanks I guess...
Okay I have some rules for you.
What is It?
Rule 1: you can't leave me...
Wait I'm staying here forever?!?!
Yes of course I'll protect you over on my life.
Rule 2: If you refuse my orders, there will be consequences...
And Rule 3: You can't speak if I say so...
Thats all the rules have any questions?
I have one...
What is it?
So your saying I won't be able to leave so I'm like your servant?!?
You can put it like that and yes you will always be by my side.
I won't be able to go outside?
No you can't your staying in until further notice...
This is like a prison, you can't keep me in here!?!?
I know that.
You need to watch that mouth of yours or else they will be consequences... So for now don't speak just nod.
Look I don't know why I was the chosen one but you can't keep me here like I'm your princess! Didn't I say not to speak until I said so...
Yeah but Saeran I want to go outside and have a life... I don't want to have a life with you! I had enough with your smart mouth! I don't care what you think! Your staying here and your gonna like it... Please no...
Since you didn't shut your mouth I have to give you a punishment and by the way if you keeping disobeying my orders the punishments will get worse...
P-Please don't do this to me!
I'm sorry! Please don't...
Now follow my orders...
Go sit over in that chair and don't move. -Mc walks over and sits down in that wooden chair
Good girl...
Now don't move. *Saeran gets chains and ties them to Mc sitting in the chair*
S-Saeran stop it!!!!
I can't move!
I said be quiet! *Saeran puts tape on Mc's mouth*
*Mc struggles*
Stop struggling you'll only make it worse on yourself...
*Saeran lifts up Mc's Chin with his finger*
Your so beautiful ~
*Saeran smells Mc*
You smell so good ~
*Saeran takes the tape off of Mc*
-Saeran kisses Mc's lips-
P-Please M-Make I-It S-Stop!
-Saeran stops-
I think thats all today...
I had fun with you, let's do it again some time... Ill let you go to sleep now. In the morning you better wake up and make me some breakfast. Here I'll put this on you ~
*Saeran puts the black choker on Mc
Just nod and I'll untie you...
*Mc nods*
Good I'll let you sleep for now.
*Saeran unties Mc*
Now get in your bed...
*Mc walks over to her bed and lays down
I'll see you in the morning my dear..
*Saeran walks out of the room and locks the door*
-Saeran walks to his room and closes his door
*Mc starts to cry*
Somebody please save me I can't take this anymore~

To be Continued...

Word count: 1202

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