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Okay, so this originally was gonna be a one part book but we decided to keep it going because it's fun to write. So, this is my turn to write :) ~ Belle



"I swear Snape is schizophrenic," Hunter laughed, "Seriously: loved our singing and then next minute, never wanted us to come back."

"We're going back," Payton declared as the girls drew closer to the street they need to turn on to get to the club.

"Wait," Belle hissed, "They look dodgy."

She pointed to a pair, hunched in the dark, conversing in probably a meant to be quiet tone.

"They have him Jacob," A female huffed, "We will go get him back."

"Calm down Bells," The apparent Jacob said to the female shadow.

"That's Bella and Jacob!" Hunter said in a hushed tone, "This is so cool."

"Run away Bella!" Belle yelled, causing the female shadow to jump. "You might get rabies!"

"Who the hell are you?" Jacob yelled angrily, stalking forward. "Get out of here before I-"

"What, hump our legs?" Payton laughed. "Get real, dog. Just cause you can shift into a wolf doesn't mean you're the best guy in the world."

The two people looked slightly terrified by the three girls standing in front of them. "How do even know who we are and what Jacob is?"

Hunter rolled her eyes. "Have you not realised there are books written about you? Anyway, Jacob, how's imprinting going-"

"We're looking for our friend, Ed-"

"Edward Cullen? The sparkly vampire you're in love with and Jacob is extremely jealous of?" Belle supplied. "That Edward Cullen?"

"How do you know so much?" Bella queried, leaning into Jacob.

"Did you not hear me?" Hunter said, exasperated. "There have been books written about your life. You know, the Twilight Saga? The saga about a human girl and her love triangle between two supernatural dudes?"

"Otherwise known as the saga of creepiness," Belle muttered. "Anyway, you're not a human anymore. You're a creepy bloodsucker."

"Hey!" Jacob yelled. "Don't speak like that to her!"

"Shut it, Rabies," the shorter brunette snapped. "You're a creepy wolfman that has rabies. I have plenty of insults for all three of you."

"Three? You know where Edward is?"

"Uh, yeah," Payton said, shrugging. "He's a disco ball at the club down the street."

"A disco ball?" Bella squeaked. "He's not that sparkly..." She trailed off, proving she was lying to their faces.

"I'm sure you've seen everywhere he sparkles, Bella," Payton said, wiggling her eyebrows. Jacob gagged while Bella went bright red. Belle sighed and Hunter put her head in her hands. "You have a baby with him after all-"

"Shut up," Hunter groaned. "Images we don't need."

"You need to help us rescue him-"

"Yeah, not gonna happen," Belle interrupted, starting to walk away. "Bye Bloodsucker and Rabies! Give my love to your humanity if you ever find it."

"Belle!" Hunter yelled, stopping the girl in her tracks. She spun around, glaring daggers at the brunette.

"I'm not helping them!" the shorter one snapped. "They're creepy!"

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