New Faces and a Old One

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Y/N Pov

It's been a few days since the Shinjuku incident and I was currently working. Thankfully I had no appointments so I was able to take it slow today. A few things happened after the incident. A arrogant vigilante with a flare for dramatics and a face I haven't seen in years.


I was staring at the giant TV in the the Fort, home of the Autobots. Bee was actually the one who came up with the name for their kind. It fit but no one could come up with a name for the fort so we just leaved it as that. The news just told everyone that the Viceroy, Prince Clovis, was murdered. And they have the killer, an Honorary Britannia, was the one who killed the Viceroy. The ploy was so easily to read it was just down right stupid. Which Cortana pointed out "The current people in charge right now are the Purebloods, a little faction that believes that only Britannia's should be in the military. If everyone actually did their homework like good little boys and girls they would obviously see just how readable their little plan is. To discredit the Honorary system." Everyone nodded at that because it's true. Bumblebee spoke "So boss what should we do? Should we save the kid or see what happens?" He asked. Optimus looked on in thought then asked "Jarvis, Cortana, what or the possibilities of somebody other then us interfering?" "The possibility of outside interference Is very high. The Honorary Britannia is Suzaku Kururugi, son of Japan's former Prime Minister. Resistance groups will not stay idle." "He's right. Not only that, but to the resistance groups who believes that he did indeed kill the Viceroy, he would be viewed as a hero to them and won't want to lose that. Especially with all the losses they suffered." They finished. Optimus speaks again "It pains me but we will wait. To many civilians could get caught in the cross fire. For now we're on standby." With that we all went to work.
Hound adding more guns to the Lancelot's arsenal.
Drift doing his meditation.
Crosshairs was fighting and losing too Bumblebee.
Go figure.
Iron Hide was working on the forts defenses.
Jazz and Sideswipe we're kicking back watching TV.
Brain and Wheelie we're watching the fight between Bumblebee and Crosshairs.
Ratchet was organizing his equipment.
Hotrod was tinkering with something that looks like a gun.
And finally Optimus was overseeing the construction of the Knightmare.
So I walked up to he and asked "so what do you think about the Lancelot?" He looks down to me "After the modifications it will definitely be a strong unit for you. Although I believe it needs a new name." I raised my eye at that "what would it be?"
"How about.... Crusader."

Later that day

We all we're watching the TV and saw the figure Zero somehow pulled off the rescue. It was impressive until the pilot started ordering the release of the prisoner. It looked like he was possessed with his actions. Although Optimus was mad "He used the civilians as hostages for a bluff!?" He punched the reinforced walls with enough force to dent it.
Yeah....he's pissed.
We all agreed with Optimus on this. Innocent people could have died because of this guy's need for dramatics. After the whole incident was over I left for my house, it was late and I was tired. Bumblebee was with me this time. As soon as I got home I hear Jarvis speak "Sir you have a guest in the living room. I know that it's late sir but she said it was important. Something about a debt to repay." I stopped dead in my tracks then walked to the living room only to see the same women who gave me my power but she look the same as she was 10 years ago. Strange thing though was that she was eating pizza on my couch.
My expensive couch.
She turned to me and said "You got a nice place here. I see that you have moved on from the past. So how do you like your Geass, it definitely helped you didn't it?" I only had one thing to say to those words.


I now have a pizza eating women living in the house now. Bumblebee wouldn't stop messing with me the entire way to work. Even Cortana was teasing me on it. And I know for a fact that the others will probably mess with me next time I see them. I thought about introducing her to the Autobots but didn't. She may have given me the Geass but I don't know what she wants. Best to play it safe until I know more.
I do know one thing though.
The world is gonna change soon. But by who.
Me or Zero.

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