Rokuro and Benio are happy
together but many things come and slowly make thier relationship began to destroy.What happen between them? Could they continue to love each other? Yes or no,they know what are best for them..
*i don't own the original st...
*Here is chapter 4!! (*-*) I'm very sorry if my story make your head dizzy..ha..ha.. Sigh,i'll try to make a good story.Enjoy!! (^#^)
Benio pov:
(Kring Kring)
"Em..What's time is it?".I look to my black clock and mumbling "(Sigh)Why must today..? I still wanna sleep.It's because that baka-Rokuro (*baka=stupid)forget to finish his assignment and drag me into his problem.We finish it around 3 morning.Now,i can't continue to sleep because of Arima-san's plan.That pervert never give up! How annoying...".With a sour face,i wake from my bed and get ready.
(after bath)
I wear a usual cloth.I look to the mirror and brush my hair.I pick the hair pin that rokuro give and remember about the festival.That time i eat too many ohagi and make Rokuro's money fly away just like his tears.Well,it's not wrong right? Since he want to treat me?Haha..i'll never forget that.But now,there is a problem that always disturbing me.I can't tell Rokuro since it's my own problem.I just need to wait a little bit longer and settle things down.Or if the plan not going's will be the end.
Rokuro pov:
I walk to downstair and look for Benio."Where is she? Oi,Benio!Are you done?We got to hurry before that old pervert scold us!".I yelled.After that,i see Benio's shadow slowly come near to me."I'm done.Sorry make you waiting too long"."It's okay.Is something bothering you,Benio?You look like thinking about something".Rokuro feel curious about Benio and feel something wrong has happened."N-nothing.I don't thinking about something!"."Now,you really look suspicious.."Rokuro stare deeply into Benio's eyes."W-what are you talking about?Let's go.Everyone is waiting.." with a high speed,Benio run toward the door and quickly wear her shoes.Walk and leave Rokuro behind."What is wrong with her?Something might have happen.."Rokuro stop thinking,wear his red shoes and step out from the house.
Third person pov:
Outside the house,there are Seigen,Mayura and ofcourse that old pervert,Arima-san waiting."What take you two so long?! It's hot outside here.Adashino-san,what are you two doing back there huh?".Mayura talk with a perfect and scary grin on her face."Ofcourse both of them wanna have a sweet time together right??".And also that pervert-san grin like a devil.This life are really complicated for Rokuro and Benio.They look so exhausted."Sigh,let's go or we gonna late for the trip.And Seigen-san,ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO COME WITH US?".Rokuro asked."Why?Is that a problem to you?".Seigen reply and stare sharply at Rokuro and it's really make Rokuro scare and annoying."Uh..n-nothing..ha..ha.. Sigh,let's go..".They stop talking,get into the car and drive to thier destination.They using two different car.Rokuro,Benio and Kinako in the same car.Seigen and the other are using another car.They took a different way since the pervert-san don't want to interrupt Rokuro and Benio.In the car,it so silent.Rokuro look at Benio and whisper in his heart.'Something is bothering Benio for sure.Her attitude look curious start from this morning.What happen?'He then approached the car's window and look up to the sky.
(on the road)
It's a rare to see the sky look gloomy and get into dark.But not a usual dark but the scary one."What the.. Oh no!! Benio-sama there are darkness power nearby!" kinako shout and stop at the same time."What? It's look like we have to work again Rokuro" Benio change her sight to Rokuro."Oh..come on! Can we just relax in peace for this time?!" Rokuro look so exhausted and dissappointed."Let's go Rokuro!".Rokuro nod lazily and both of them change into thier Onmyo clothes.
They get out from the car and use thier spell to active the Onmyo power before starting the fight.They open the Magano's gate and get into it.In the Magano's world,they see many kind of devil and demon.
(After 10-15 minutes)
Both of them defeated all of the demon.Both of them look really tired after using too many power's espacially for the 'Resonans technic'.It's not a first time they lost too many much power and lost thier energy.Before they can get out from the Magano's world,a shadow that look like a hand fastly grab Benio from behind.
"!? W-what?!" Benio look at the shadow.It Basara's shadow,Kamui.
"Benio!!" Rokuro yell.In the same time,Kamui attack him with a high speed.'W-what?So fast!'Rokuro can't run away and got punch at his stomach.He fall on the ground.Using all of his strength,trying to stand up but unfortunately he don't have any energy to continue."Sh*t..i can't use my leg.. I can't stop right now,i need to help Benio!".He use his hand as a back up."Argh!!!" with painfully voice,he stand up.
"Rokuro!!!" Benio call his name and smile."Don't move anymore or you'll gonna die..".Benio say to stop Rokuro from starting the battle again."No!! I won't stop! I can't le-" before Rokuro could finish his speech Benio yell to him."Baka!!I said enough!Don't move anymore or you'll gonna die!Why you don't understand?! Enough already..just go home! I can handle this.." Benio talk harshly.
"How?"Rokuro ask.
"!?"Benio confuse with Rokuro's question.
"How?!! How you can handle this?! Don't pretend to be tough and brave!! We promise to each other that we will be strong together and reach our dream together! I'm here for you.Why?! Why did you want to face it alone?!" Rokuro's voice sharply fly through Benio's heart.It really hurt.
"Rokuro,listen! I want you to go back home,get a much rest and get more stronger.Then,come again to safe me..okay?" Benio say with pure voice."But, Benio..I can't-" Rokuro try to finish his speech."Promise with me"with the last word from Benio,she lost from his sight and dissappear.
"B-Benio!!!!" Rokuro clench his fist and bite his bottom lip.'I'll safe you Benio!I promise!' Slowly his sight turn into black and his leg can't stand."W-what weak.." He lay on the ground,close his eyes and lost into a deep sleep.
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Finally!!!!! It's finish~ Please wait for the next chapter.And for the next chapter i'm gonna make a flashback about Benio.Espacially for Benio's curious attitude.Hope you'll like it! Please do support me and vote for my story! Arigato! :-P