Rokuro and Benio are happy
together but many things come and slowly make thier relationship began to destroy.What happen between them? Could they continue to love each other? Yes or no,they know what are best for them..
*i don't own the original st...
*Hai!! It's me,Irina!How you guys doing?First thing is I want to say thank you very much to you who read this story!Second,this is story i make base on black memory of Benio or should i say a nightmare for her.Well,i hope all of you like it! (*O*)/
Benio pov:
I open my eyes.It's so dark and i guest i'm alone.Nope,i am alone."Where am i?"I look around and hear a voice.
"Wha- who are you?"I asked after i look at the voice's spot.
"Ha..hahahahaha!! Oh my,don't say that you forget about me,right? Benio-chan?"
"This voice...(gasp)You are..."
"Yup!Correct!Hehe..It's me,Kamui.The one who make a contract with you." He grin and walk toward me.I feel something weird,feel that i can die in any minute if he come more closer.
"K-Kamui.....What do you want?!"I stare at him and yelled.
"Huh? Ha..ha..hahahahahaha! What a funny joke!! Hahahaha!!Ha..Benio-chan,what do you think i want?"His smile is scary and his glance make me shudder.
"H-How do i know?I'm not a god or demon who can read people mind."I try to look tough but still inside my heart,what i want to do is run away and cry.
"Benio-chan..please!Don't acting like you don't know about it.Your act is suck!!"He fastly run toward me and kick at my stomach."Ackk!!"My blood spill out from my mouth and my body began to tremble because of the kick."H-He is strong...I-I can't beat him!"I try to stand up but Kamui stepping on my head.It's really hurt until i want to cry.
"Well,i don't want to waste my time.I come here to collect my reward.Hehe!"He laugh infront of me and lifting me up."I'm gonna take your life,your precious life as a return for your beautiful leg." He smile spookily and it really make me scare.
What i'm gonna do right now?I don't have any idea.Somebody..somebody help me.Rokuro..please help me!That time,i remind about him.All about him."....No.You can't!!" I yelled at him.
"And can you explain to me why i can't?"
"Heh! It because...there someone is worth it to me who is still waiting for me,waiting for me to comeback.And because of that i can't let you take my life!"My tears burst out after i shout to that damn demon.
"Wuu.Too bad,so sad.You need to pay for the contract,you know?But if you don't want to, there is another way." His smile is the worst!
"....!!W-what is it?!What is the other way?!!"I impatiently ask at him.
"Woah!Be patient,okay?The other way is...."I look at him with full of hope.And the answer is..
"You need to give that boy memories to me.All of it.From his first cry until his last laugh.He can't remember anything even about you or his profile.He will forget about you and leave you."Truly this guy is provoking me!
"You mean...Rokuro?"
"Yes!He is! Hahaha! So,what is your descision? Your life or his memories?"
"You're really a damn greedy demon!"I really want to kick his ass right now!
"Hahaha!You sure are cute when you got angry!And your decision is?"
"Urgh...what i want is live happily with Rokuro.I..just want to see him smile and hear his laugh.That's all what i want" I can't stop my tears from falling even if i want to.All i think is Rokuro right now.I want to see him standing beside me..right now.Then i realize about something,something that really precious to me.Finally,after thinking about it.I make my decision and clench my fist tightly.
"I have make my decision.Kamui,i want you to take my life rather than take Rokuro's memories.It's no use if i live without him remember about me.It just make me regret.At the least,after I die he still can remember about me.About our precious wonderful memories.That is why i want you to take my life.This is the better way.."I smile wryly while my tears can't stop droping."But..please! Please give me more time to live,so i can be with him even for a while as long as i can see his face! I'm begging you!"I bow deeply and asked for his permission.
"Tsk! Human are really hard to understand! (sigh) well,this time i'm gonna give you a last chance.If your time with him are that precious,i'll give you 7 days to make a memoriable memory together.But! Only 7 days.After that i will take your life and your soul before the sunset,understand?!"He point his finger to me as a warning.
"Thank you so much!!!"I feel so thankful that i can meet Rokuro again.
"(Sigh) I need to leave right now.Well,see you in 7 days,Benio-chan!"Then,he disappeared from my sight and light suddenly covering my body.I close my eyes and lost my consciousness.
~Chapter 5 FINISHED~
*Hey guys!How about the story?Is it okay? Please feel free to comment and if you like my story please make your finger click to the vote icon..hehe (*-,-).Love ya!
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