Chapter Thirteen

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(Y/N) P.O.V

We rode around for a while, looking for Faith and Alex, but they were nowhere to be found. Although, I found apart of the lake I had never seen before. They wouldn't have gone down there, would they? I decided to take the risk, and made my way across the unusually choppy water. There were a lot more bumps along the way, and I felt Laf tightening his hold around my waist, probably as nervous as I was about this. I went about 20mph along the waters, which is much slower than my usual 50mph. Although, it wasn't enough, because I tried turning at a sharp, sudden edge, and I didn't notice until it was too late that we were flipping. I yelped as I entered the freezing water. For a moment, I couldn't tell which way was up and which was down, until I saw a light coming from a different direction, and a panicked voice coming from it, as well. I swam as fast as I could, black dots filling my vision, but I managed to get to the surface, just in time. I gasped, coughing out some water, noticing that Laf had been calling me.

"(Y/N), mon ami! Are you alright?!" He asked, concern lacing his voice. He swam towards me, placing a hand on my shoulder and scanning me over.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just wasn't ready for that." I replied, shooting him a reassuring smile. "Now, there's a beach over there." I pointed to a beach, not even 30 feet away. "Go swim over there and I'll try to get the water out of the engine." I carefully got back on the jetski, making sure not to put too much weight on one side, and started it up. Well, tried to at least. It took me 3 or 4 times before it actually worked. However, as I rode around, trying to empty the water, I noticed that it was tipping again and I jumped off, prepared this time. "Fuck..." I cursed under my breath, climbing back on again. I tried again, and soon enough the water was pretty much completely emptied. (A/N: For those of you who don't know how this works, there are a certain brand of jetskis that shoot water out the back, that comes from the engine. Just a clarification) I sighed in relief and parked it by the beach. Although, the moment I walked onto the beach, I could hear yelling coming from behind some of the trees. I looked at Laf, who also had noticed it. We began sneaking over, only until I recognized the voices.

Faith and Alex?

"You. Barely. Know. Her! Welcome to the 21st century! Here, it takes more than a couple weeks to know someone enough to be their friend, let alone date them! You don't know her! You don't know what makes her happy! You don't know what topics to hold back on and you wouldn't care anyway! Your words mean as much your ideas: jack-shit!" Faith shouted, their voice becoming clearer as we got closer.

"I'm trying!" Alex retorted, "I know I'm not accustomed yet and I'm trying! I can't help that I love her! That isn't my fault!" Wait, was he talking about me? Faith was right? I thought they were just being paranoid... My heartbeat had become as loud as the yelling at this point, thumping in my ears.

There was a pause, Faith probably was as shocked as I was. However, it didn't last long before their demeanor changed completely. They went from being heated and anger-ridden to icy-cold. "Stay away from her. I mean it."

I walked forward a bit more, catching up to Laf. He pointed a bit to the left, only then did I see them, and boy, did they look angry.

"Or what?!" Alex yelled, walking towards them, "She is an adult! We both are! She doesn't need you to baby her and stop her from living her life!" Faith wasn't babying me, were they? No. They wouldn't do that, I know them.

"Are you really an adult?! You're a corpse that's been given an undeserved second chance! You wasted the entirety of your marriage on either ignoring your wife and child, cheating on her, or flirting with Laurens! I am her best friend: I'm here to take her on spontaneous adventures and be a crap influence, but I'm also here ward off jerks that she doesn't see the problem in yet! You are an arrogant, loud-mouthed cheater. You are low-tempered and irresponsible! She can live her life however the hell she wants, but I refuse to let it be with some jerk that FALLS IN LOVE in like a WEEK!" Faith screamed, making me jump. I began walking towards them, hoping to intervene, but Laf held me back, probably to stop even more chaos from ensuing.

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