chapter three: white lighting ranger

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Chapter three: white lighting ranger

Song: lady gaga just dance ft colby o’donis

When cam got back to ninja ops with the others, the computer was beeping and he went to see the problem

There was an image of the white lighting ranger

And cam typed in a code to see if the ranger was human

The genetic code revealed that it was diana the new girl in town

Shane: wow, turning to hunter and blake: your sister is a power ranger?

Hunter: must be

Blake: yeah but if that is her then why not team up seven rangers can take down luthor

Tori: maybe she's scared

Meanwhile at the red frog dojo

Diana was working for her adopted uncles adam and rocky typing up papers when she got a phone call from tori

Diana hanged up the phone and went to meet tori

When she got there, there was no tori just hunter and blake

Diana : what's going on

Hunter: we wanted to talked

Diana ripped off her clothes and there was a white ninja uniform ( pic above looks like tori’s but in white and black with a lighting bolt)

Diana: let's fight ; who is stronger lighting or thunder

Diana striked a ninja pose and waved her hand forward

Blake went first and fell first

Then it was Diana and Hunter

Hunter: zoe please stop this

Diana: my name is Diana smith not zoe

And the two estranged siblings began fighting and Diana threw her lighting bolt at her brother and Hunter dodged the lightning bolt

Meanwhile at ninja ops

Tori Shane and Dustin along with cam were watching the bradley brothers fighting their sister

Shane: we have to stop them before they do something they will regret

Cam: okay let's go

Senesi: wait a minute, let the brothers talk to Diana

Hunter turned to Diana; please stop

Diana stopped her fighting

The thunder rangers wanted peace with their sister

Diana and the bradley went to ninja ops

Diana stopped and looked around ninja ops ;  so why do you need me here

Cam: seven rangers can beat luthor instead of six rangers

Diana: I'll work with you but we are not friends yet

Diana walked out being late for work

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