Chapter 21

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~~Chapter 21~~

~~🛑Actually Important for the Chapter 🛑~~
              This song is the feeling for this chapter for the flashback, and basically how Cordelia feels. This is like not too much younger Lotor like around ending teen, entering adult. So he looks like Lotor, except slightly shorter hair. Also there will be another part to this flashback story, I promise.
~~A Broken Story (Flashback)~~
Lotor, the reckless son of Zarkon. I had served him for a while, been friends with him my whole life. Though things had become different, all of a sudden. Zarkon had him start training in an private facility, away form here. I hadn't seen him in three human years, I was nervous. So I spent my time cleaning nonstop, I was in the middle of cleaning a spare cell when a man rushed in.
               "Lotor has requested you in his presence, miss." The guard barks, smirking in the back of his brain. I nod my head, quietly trailing behind the guard. After walking for what seemed forever in the twisted hallways, we stopped at a door. The guard steps to the side, and motions for me to enter. I let out a sigh, and cautiously enter the room. Lotor's head swiftly turns, and his expression immediately changes. I play with the end of my dress, as he keeps staring at me.
                "Y/N." Lotor stutters, walking over to me. He brushes a piece of my hair out of my face, revealing my fire-red face.
                 "Sir, I am pleased to see you once again." I bluntly respond, no emotion shown in my speech. Lotor looks at me, shocked and scared. He stares at me for a few seconds, like I had told him the worse news in the world.
                "Y/N, what's with the formalities? We've known each other forever, you've always called me Lotor." Lotor exclaims, seeming desperate for some reason. I look up at him, with a completely serious expression.
                 "My prince, things are different. You have more important things to deal with then me, a lowly servant. Soon you will be meeting suitors, and most likely marrying very soon. We have known each other for a while, but those times are in the past." I explain, tears brimming the edge of my eyes. Lotor wipes my tears, and just stares at me. I try to blink away my tears,  this was not the plan. I was supposed to break our friendship, and just be a servant. We are both going to get hurt if the friendship continues, we both know it. I was so lost in thought I didn't realize how close Lotor had gotten, his breath bouncing off of mine. We were so close I could distinguish the different shades of yellow and purple in his eyes. He kept looking down at my lips, and then returning to my eyes. I started opening my mouth to say something, but then Lotor swoops down. Capturing my lips with his, and my attention. I gasp at the sudden movement, and completely freeze up. His smell of vanilla washing over me, making me relax a bit. He keeps kissing me, his lips so soft like velvet. I ease in to the kiss, as he cups my face with his hands. Shocking me with how cold they are, but I let them stay there. I hesitate for a few more seconds, but I lightly kiss back. Placing one of my hands on his shoulder, and the other I tangle in his pale white hair. Running it in between my fingers, feeling how silky smooth his hair is. He places on of his hands on my hip, and pulls me closer. I stop though, gasping desperately for air. He doesn't let go though, and keeps his hands where they were. Though, after a few seconds he moves the other hand to my waist.
                 "My heart, I missed you more then you could even fathom." Lotor exclaims, placing a hand behind my head. I look back up at him, hot tears pooling down my face.
"I know." I respond, and jerk myself away from him. He looks at me confused, so he steps forward to being me back into his arms. I step back though, my back hitting the door. The tears not stopping, they soak into my ebony black dress. The door opens just as Lotor lunges for me, missing me just by a hair. I sprints across the hallway, as Lotor is right on my trail.
"Y/N, what are you doing? Please, just stop!" Lotor cries desperately, rushing after me. Making me speed up even more, as he stays right behind me. I continue sprinting down, but quickly make a sharp left. Passing some guards, as I rush to get farther away from him. I hear grunts, and clatter behind me. The guards had slowed him down, I once hear footsteps again. Followed by some yelling, that soon stopped. I quickly turned right, and kept running. I couldn't look back, not now.
"Please! My Dearest, just stop! I'm begging!" Lotor pleads, as he keeps chasing me. I could here the strain and desperateness in his voice, making me want to stop and comfort him so much. I had to pursue though, once he loses me. I can request Zarkon to serve another commander, and disappear form Lotor's life. I'm just a lowly servant, he's a prince. I could never come close to what he deserves, not in this or the next galaxy. I had to keep running, it's the only thing I can do. Lotor will find his real love, and I'll disappear. I turn at a fork, but slip and fall on my knees. I scramble to get back up, but I was too late.
"Y/N, why did you run?" Lotor asks, bending down. Wrapping his arms around my broken self. I bury my face in my knees, too afraid to look at him eye to eye.
"One day, you'll find love. A beautiful, classy, amazing woman. Who you'll swoon for, and love her until the end of eternity. You are a prince, I am a slave. We are destined to never work, not ever. All I am is a low, broken, servant who works to care for her half-dead mother. You are a prince, ladies line up for your hand in marriage, the though of people like us being together is absolutely madness. So I'm leaving, so you can be happy without me." I whimper out, as the last of my tears pool out. Lotor looks at me in utter shock, and wipes away my tears gently.
"Y/N. I care for you more then anyone could imagine. You are more amazing then words could ever explain, and I have very strong feelings for you. You are my whole universe , and I wouldn't be who I am today without you. You may be broken, but you are mine. If you rid of me in the end, we will be broken together." Lotor coos, and I sniffle. Keeping in the last of my tears, choking back the last of my whimpers. I look up at him, and smile. Brushing a piece of his hair behind his hair.
"That is why, I'm doing what is best. Goodbye, my love." I exclaim, standing up. He reaches for me, but I brush him off. Walking away in tears, leaving my broken love behind me. He will heal, I won't. I did it for him, and it will end well for him.

~~Authors Note~~
Don't worry, I cried too. Another flashback, because this song just makes it so much better. I was going to post this tomorrow, but I couldn't help myself. Anyways, don't forget to like, comment, check out my other stories, and follow me. And as they say, Hakuna Matata.h

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