3 - Stuck in Dentension

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I slowly trudged myself over to the classroom, aka detention. I slipped into an empty desk and laid my head down. I also fell asleep until somebody woke me up.

"Your not supposed to sleep in here. Your just going to get in bigger trouble." Jhope hisses at me.

"Why are you here?"

"I was late to one of my classes," he pouts, "so stupid."

I shrug and return back to my slumber, ignoring what he said. "Why are you here?" he clearly doesn't get the message that I want to sleep.

"I wasn't paying attention," I sigh, "and can you just leave me alone?"

He rolls his eyes and sits in the desk next to me. He took pens out of his backpack and started drumming against the wood.

"Can you just stay quiet for a second?" I ask, frustrated. I clearly won't be able to have peace and quiet with him around.

He waits one second, "There. One second."

I stick my tongue at him, "Smart aleck."

Surprising he stays quiet for 10 minutes before breaking the silence once again. "You like Jungkook, right?"

I turn my head at him, "How did you know?"

He shrugs, "It's pretty obvious."

"Well, fine, I do like him. But Eunha and Jungkook started dating."

Jhope eyes turns alert, "Eunha is dating Jungkook?"

"Yea, for 3 days already," I pause and think, "let's have a deal."


"You help me get Jungkook and I'll help you with Eunha. Sounds fair?" I offer my hand.

"That's more than fair, deal." He shakes my hand. An evil smile creeps onto both of us.

I can't believe I made a deal with this idiot.


I see Jhope the next day at school waiting in front of my locker.

"What are you doing here, stupid?" I push him out of the way.

"The deal, remember?"

"Oh, yea," I mumble.

He turns me so that I'm facing him, "look, if we wait to work together, can you at least be somewhat nice to me?"

"Ugh, fine, horse," I groan.


"Your name."

"You are never going to let me live in peace aren't you, Hwang Eunbi?" He smirks. He knows I hate when he calls me by my real name. I don't even know how he knows.

"Shut up, horse. You better not say my real name in public," I glare at him.

"I win, you lose." He sticks out his tongue out. I grab his tongue before he can put it back in his mouth.

He says something but it turns into a wail, "Leeeeego–" He suddenly stops and freeze.


He points behind me, I turn and I see Jungkook and Eunha holding hands, walking down the hallway all cute and happy. My face falls, anger and sadness boils inside of me.

I turn back to Jhope and notice that I'm still holding his gross tongue. "Ew," I sat in disgust as I let go.

He makes a puking sound, "Its more gross for me, you know."

"Whatever, c'mon."


I lay a sheet of paper in front of him, "What's this?" He asks.

"It's the plan, stupid," I scan over the paper, "So I'll go talk to Jungkook and tell him bad things about Eunha. And you will go to Eunha and do whatever to win over her heart, okay? It's easy."

A sarcastic laugh escapes his mouth, "Yea, right. Easyyyy..." He mocks me.

"You wanna do this or not?"

"Fine, Eunbi."

"Ya! I told you to not say my name!"

"Respect your elders. I'm born before you." He smirks.

I roll my eyes, "Anyways, you better win her heart."

"Suureee..... that's totally easy to do because she'll fall in love with me the second I talk to her." He says sarcastically.

"Can you just....." I mumble.

"Can I just what?"

"Just go and talk to her!" I yell.

Students look at us and glare. Sheesh, their not the ones having a crisis.

"Geez, woman." He stands up and walks behind me. "You just wait," he whispers into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.


I'm back with another crappy chapter! Don't worry, Sinhope is coming up soon xD This book will be a slow update so TT See ya soon~ 👋 PS: Sorry im being to so mean to jhope XD i love our sunshine

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