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Jake slid from behind the steering wheel of a silver Audi A4 sedan and swung the door shut. As his gaze rose from the lush green landscaping to the twenty-story skyscraper, he removed a pair of aviator sunglasses and tucked them into his front pocket, all the while gathering his first impression of Ocean Blue. The glass reflected cottony wisps of clouds near the top. Closer to the bottom, the distant image of the Sydney Opera House was visible, its series of seashell-like arches overlooking the harbor, as well as the rest of the city in the background.

Across the roof of the car, Sarah appeared from the passenger side, dressed in a gray pants suit. Her turquoise blouse dipped low enough in the front to reveal an emerald pendant necklace. Jake's breath stalled for a second. Not because of the sterling silver piece of jewelry, but because of the slight valley of skin beneath the oblong stone, a hint of cleavage under the top button of her shirt. If it wasn't for the pendant, his gaze would've never been drawn there. But that was beside the point.

He blew a puff of air from his lips, forcing himself to look away.

Luckily, Tony stole his attention, rising from the back seat behind her.

Jake's focus shifted back to their mission objective: gathering intel on the Ocean Blue Corporation, an organization devoted to preserving marine wildlife, much like Sea Lab International. But he had his doubts about the nobility of the corporation's cause.

Key to that theory was the creature they hauled in from the barrier reef. It measured fourteen feet, five inches long, and its girth came in at six feet in diameter. It reminded Jake of a cruise missile with teeth. Lots of them.

A packed out parking lot surrounded the building, which was on the outskirts of the city.

Since the Atlantis research vessel wouldn't arrive in time for their Monday morning meeting with the corporation's chairman, Jake, Tony, and Sarah hopped a chopper to the city of Cairns, where they took a puddle jumper to Sydney. The plane landed on Sunday and allowed them an opportunity to check into The Grace Hotel Sydney, on the corner of York and King Street in the heart of the bustling metropolis. They needed Kevin and Rachel aboard the Atlantis to assist with the examination of the killer fish.

The research ship itself would dock well after the sun went down on Monday evening, long after the meeting ended.

Jake had a gut feeling they were on the right trail. His instincts often served him well, but he knew it'd help with their investigation if Sea Lab could prove someone had shot up the monstrous fish with an unknown concoction like a guinea pig in a lab.

Jake adjusted the front of his black suit jacket and led the way through a cluster of vehicles, his eyes locked on the glass doors of the front entrance. "So, we're here to see Roland Zanderthal."

"That's right," Sarah said, matching Jake stride for stride.

"A co-founder of Sea Lab with your father." He remembered the video briefing with Cat. They had forced Zanderthal into resignation because of health problems.

"He developed Parkinson's disease," Tony said, pointing a finger to his head. "I listen more than you think."

"I talked to Dad before we left the room this morning," Sarah replied. "He felt Zanderthal didn't have Sea Lab's best interests at heart. As soon as he had the opportunity, Dad exercised a clause in the organization's contract. It stated that if one of the co-founders grew ill and couldn't fulfill their duties, then that person would have to resign and receive a buyout as compensation."

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