Better Off Dead?

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Later that night, I'm back on a website that isn't for learning purposes/school. I'm listening to "Better Off Dead" by Sleeping With Sirens as well.

"Jordan, you know music like that cannot be good for you to listen to," I hear a masculine voice say. I turn around and see Ashley once again. "Are you stalking me?" I ask. "Yes," he replies, "it's my job. You're welcome ~"

"You have a sad job," I tell him. "Actually, it's very fun. I get to spend time with you," he says. "And that's good, why?" I ask. "Because you're a boy that doesn't have the privilege of going outside. You're not like many people. You're really sweet, kind, caring, and loving; a boy anyone would fall for," Ashley explains.

"That sounds weird coming from someone six years older than me," I comment. "See it as a compliment," he says, "I'm done 'stalking' you for now. I'll go." "Okay," I reply. He walks away without a sound.

"A boy anyone would fall for?" I ask myself, "unbelievable." Who could fall for someone who's immune system is too weak for them to go outside? I can never go on a date, I can never travel, and most of all, my mother would never let me get with someone. She doesn't trust many people.

I hear a pecking sound at my window. I look out and see nothing. Maybe it's just my imagination. I do have a feeling I'm slowly going insane.

I hear the same sound again. I sigh in annoyance and look out once again. This time, I see the boy from earlier; he's smiling. He waves at me. I slowly wave back. A stranger has never done that to me before.

"Open the window," he mouths. "I can't," I reply. His face falls; he's now frowning. But, he seems to get an idea that makes him smile again. He runs off.

I sit in the windowsill and wait for him to return. When he returns, he had a ladder. He sets it against the house and climbs up. When he's at my level, he puts a note up against the window that says: "Hi. I had to see you up close. You're just so beautiful! My name is Bryan. What's yours?"

I grab a piece of paper and write as well. My note says: "It's Jordan. And, thanks for the compliment, but I know I'm not beautiful." When I show it to him, he seems angered. He shakes his head. "You're beautiful," he mouths.

I then write on the paper again: "Okay? Anyways, if you want to actually talk, I have Twitter. It's @dansweetox." He nods when I hold it up to the glass. He waves and begins climbing down the ladder.

Once he's at ground level again, he looks up at me. He then takes the ladder and walks back to his house. How did no one notice us?

I go on Twitter to see I have a direct message from @bryanstarzzz. It says: "IT'S BRYAN c:" I reply with a simple, "Hello, it's Jordan." "You're amazing," he types. "Yeah? Thanks," I reply. "You're welcome <3" he types, "I gtg. Talk later?" "Yeah :D," I reply.

I exit Twitter and out my laptop away. It's time for bed. Hopefully I can meet Bryan face to face. (In the same room.) He seems really nice. Maybe we could be friends?

So, maybe I'm not better off dead?

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