Miami!Rick x Reader

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A/N: Idk wat 2 do anymore-

You are currently somewhere around the Citadel.

Just minding your business. Probably eating an apple while hanging on a tree. Listening to some music on your phone.

You sighed and placed your hand that was holding the apple ontop of your stomach.

' Kinda peaceful today. ' You thought as you looked at the sky.

' Wish I could someday... someday just go out the world and.. do some awesome shit that Y/N's are never allowed to do.' You mentally said to yourself.

' Someday... ' You finished your thought.

Watching the clouds as they past by.

You then glanced at your phone for the music has stopped and you wanted to listen to another song.

But, something else caught your ears.

It was some music that had this laid back, cool, romantic thing going on.

You immediately got engaged by this sound and started to look down to know where it is coming from.

As you did, you saw a Rick. Not jusy any Rick but..

" Miami!Rick? " You said aloud.

Miami!Rick smiled at you and turned off his phone. Causing the music to turn off aswell.

' Huh, Miami!Rick. This guy would constantly visit, flirt, pester and seduce me. What does he want now?..' You mentally askes yourself.

You sighed and got to your initial position and just surfed the internet while asking, " What'cha want? " in an unenthusiastic tone.

You didn't mind his presence, not at all. You just kinda went with the 'not interested in talking to you' mood. So, he would just leave you be.

Miami!Rick suddenly teleported himself to where you are and sat on the tree branch you were also sitting aswell.

" You?~" He said, trying to sound seductive.

You looked at him with a straight face and held on to it as best as you can before you let out a small laugh.

You wipe the tears from your eyes and sighed.

" Haa.. comedy gold. " You said as you wiped the last tear from your eye.

Miami!Rick looked at you and laid on his stomach.

" Ohhh~ You think I'm bein' all funny, don't'cha? " Miami!Rick began.

You just gave out a chuckle as a response, because you thought that it was just for laughs and giggles.

Until, he scooted over to you closer and closer. Breaking through your comfort zone.

As he did, you pulled your knees closer and closer to you until you can't anymore. Holding onto your phone tightly.

He put his right hand on the right side of the trunk you are leaning onto and his left hand well, on the left side.

You looked up at him as blush crept up on your face and sweat starts to form.

Gulping as quitely as possible as you looked at your phone. To keep you calm and just... not to look at him.

He noticed this and smirked.

" Hmm? Is Y/N here going all red?~ Why is that?~ " Miami!Rick started.

You didn't answer. Instead your face became redder as you lowered your head.

Miami!Rick sighed as he smiled.

" You know, been observing you for quite sometime now. You're pretty interesting and I want to propose something to ya. " He started.

You looked up at him and looked at him with a poker face.

" ...By observing. You mean, creepy stalking. Right? " You said.

This caught off guard a bit for you saw his eyes widened.

" How did yo-- " He said but was cut off by you saying," Dude, I saw you on your banana's in pajamas pj's, with your binoculaur and a bag of chips on my bedroom window. "

It was quite for a while but then, he laughed the most genuine laugh you had ever heard.

You felt a blush creeping up again.

" Haha.. Ai'ght. You can associate my observing for creepy stalking. But, anyways. I digress. My proposal, umm... " He began.

He gulped a bit.

" Right, uhh... damn. I lost my courage now. Uhhh... " He said.

You waited for him to continue but, he kept on saying, " Uhhh.. umm.. well... " which was annoying you.

So you put your hands on his cheeks, squeezing them, saying, " Just speak it. Speak it now. Say what'cha wanna say. I don't got all day. That rhymed-- "

He looked a little taken aback by this.

He suddenly held your hands and put them down. Still holding on to them.

" How.. How's about you be my Y/N? " He asked.

You blinked a couple of times and stared in disbelief.

For, you see. It's actually rare for these occasions to happen to a Y/N.

No, scratch that. These occasions never actually happen at all.

Normally, Ricks and Mortys don't really ask Y/N's to be actually apart of the team. Y/N's are most likely treated as unimportant.

Just some side characters in a story they will never get to be apart of.

" Umm.. Y/N? " Miami!Rick began.

" Oh- Oh! Uhh.. sorry. Kinda dozed off a bit... nah I was actually thinking 'bout what you said and I am surprised by it. " You told him.

He looked at you and did a ' pff...' sound.

You looked at him and smiled.

" So, uhh.. what'll it be, babe?~ " He said seductively, again.

As he held your hands that he was still holding close to his chest. His face nearing yours.

You smiled and leanesd in towards him aswell, pulling his hands away from Miami!Ricks grasp and putting them around his neck, saying, " I'd be happy to, Rick. "

Miami!Rick put his hands on your waste as he laid his forehead on yours. Sighing contently.

He looked straight into your eyes and you lookes back.

" Welcome to the team, babe~ " He finished and kissed you on the forehead.

You stayed on that tree for hours and just talked about random stuff that you both can maje fun off.

After that, you and Miami!Rick went back to his home and did whatever you guys did.

A/N: What is this. I don't even update this thing as much as I wanted to.

Along with my other books---

Various!Rick x Reader ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now