Rick x Fem!Reader - Who's Who?!

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Just having a wonderful cereal for your breakfast at your house.

A day where you can just sit back, relax and just chill. No more adventure for a while.

You gotta be honest though, those adventures did help you on battling.

Like, you learned some awesome moves and now, you can fight real bad assily.

But, enough of that. This is the day where you just get to relax on thus peaceful day.

Until the old man who is unfortunately your best friend suddenly burst through your front door and not only breaking that door but, also your bedroom door.

" Y/N!!! I FUCKING NEED YOU WOMAN!!! " He yelled as he broke your bedroom door by kicking it as hard as he can.

You sighed from the kitchen and looked at your cereal and finished it quickly.

" I'm right down here, Sherlock! " You yelled from the kitchen.

Rick heard you and quickly teleported to where you are.

He then suddenly grabbed you harshly by the shoulders as he shook you furiously before you could speak.

" Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " He screamed at your face between sobbing, hiccups, burps and stutters.

You just looked at him confused, scared and concerned.

But, mostly scared. I mean, who wouldn't be scared by this. Being shook by an old man that is crazy and drunk.

You abruptly grabbed him by the shoulders to force him to stop and slapped him.

Silence filled the room.

" Rick. My dude, brorito, home slice, bread slice, dawg. Care to explain thisssss.... this?! " You said as you gestured to him and the situation you guys are in.

Rick then snapped from his dazed and looked at you.

" Y/N, we-we-we-we nEEd to find MOrty. " He said.

After that you are in the Citadel of Ricks in Morty clothing in a blink of an eye.

" So... why'd ya think Morty is around here? " You whispered-asked Rick.

" I heard there's this thing called Pocket Morty's and apparently my Morty got stolen right before my very eyes by this other Rick. But, a real big dick Rick. " He started.

" I heard him say, " Can't wait to use you for the tournament at the Citadel." and... yeah. " He finished.

You stared at him and then back at track as you pat his back.

" Don't worry. We'll get your grandson back. " You said nonchalantly.

Rick stared at you a bit of blush on his cheecks, " Psshh, I know we can get him back. I'm like- the fucking super genius of infinite galaxies! " He exclaimed.

You couldn't help but chuckle at his actions.

But, what you did caused some Ricks to stare at you guys in confusion.

You and Rick noticed and got back to your original persona.

" A-awww geez, Rick. Th-that was a g-g-good joke. " You said in the most teenage, puberty, Morty voice as possible.

" Of course, I make the bEEEST fuCKIng jokes! I'M ACTING NORMAL!" He exclaimed as he raised his arms at the sky as he screamed the last part.

" Ye-yeah! Haha. Th-they-they make me laugh-- " You said but was cut off by Rick saying, " I don't cAAARE ABout yOU! " between burps.

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