Dr. Blowhole And Ace *Update A/N*

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8/2/2018: OOF! I'm crying from how hard I'm laughing. Oh shit. I'm getting this done, TODAY! This book needs more love and parts. I still remember his voice...I kinda want to have her show traits of the others just because it would be funny. I also realized that the picture above is basically Coraline. Ace is basically Coraline in human form.

There will be more banter like this because I honestly could write a whole book with just these two over this alone.

Dr. Blowhole laughed as he turned around on his electric scooter. Ace stood in a cage, her flippers gripping the bars, as she glared at the mammal before her.

"Who are you?" She demanded. He laughed his famous, annoying but funny laugh, and turned around. Ace was confused, more than usual. He slowly drove his way over while the lights got dimmer and dimmer.

"I am the terror you are feeling now, I am the shadow that follows you in the night, I am..." The lights went out and then cane back on. She yelled and fell back on her butt when he was right in front of her cage. He smacked it with his flipper which caused it to spin. "Dr. Blowhole!"

Ace wobbled around then finally fell onto her stomach. She shook her head and looked up. Confused. She stood up and waddled over to him. "You're name is," she paused, unsure. "Dr. Blowhole?" He nodded with a proud smile.




"Blow-" "I don't see why this is confusing." "hole."

"What, what, why are you looking at me that way?" He asks, clearly not understanding what the kid is getting at.

"Oh never mind, my plans don't involve meaningless arguments with a child." He turned around and drives over to his windshield while Ace's cage followed him. The sudden jerk caused her to almost fall over.

"Hey, hey! Dr. Windpole! Where are you-" "Blowhole! Dr. Blow. Hole."

"I said Blowhole." "No, no, you didn't. You said Windpole." "No I didn't, I clearly said Windpole." "See you just did it, why are you arguing with me?" "I'm not arguing with you, I'm saying your name correctly."

"Okay repeat after me." She nods.







"Okay now put it together."
"Dr. Windpole."

"See, you did it again. Just now." "No I didn't. I am clearly saying Windpole." "Blowhole. Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what? I'm saying your name correctly."

"No you keep saying Windpole. That's, that's not even close to it. I mean pole is but wind isn't."

"Look, I am clearly saying it correctly."

"Oh my gosh, it's Skipper all over again."

"Wait you just said Skipper." Ace was on alert. She got into a fighting stance. "How do you know my brother?" Blowhole smirks and gets close to her cage.

"You could say I'm an, wait did you just say brother?"


"I clearly heard you say brother."

"No I said mother."

"What? That's not even possible. You said brother!"

"Why are you saying brother? It's mother. It sounds the same kinda so I can see why you are confused."

"He's not even a female, how is he your mother."

"Hey look I didn't make the circle of life I'm just a part of it."

He groaned loudly. "Stop arguing with me."

"Who's arguing? I'm not arguing."

"No you are clearly arguing. You're doing right now, saying things back to me."

"No, no, no. I am not arguing. I am replying back to everything you're saying."

"Yes. That is arguing."

"No. This isn't an argument. Just an exchange of words strung together to make a sentence."

"See now you are arguing with me about arguing."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."




"Yes! Arg!"

"Are you okay? Do you need an ice pack?"

He groans loudly and smacked his head with his flipper. "This is taking me away from my plans!" He grabs her cage, shaking it as he yells, "now tell me! Where are they hiding!"

"Where are who hiding?" She replied. Dr. Blowhole let go of her cage and inhaled deeply, trying to calm down.

"You know who!"

"No I don't, you didn't provide names. You could be talking about bears during the winter."

"Why would I be talking about bears? They are not the one's I'm worried about stopping my plans of evil!"

"Who's stopping your "plans of evil?"


"Why are you so concerned about him? Do you have a crush on him?"

"No! That's disgusting!"

"There's no need to be rude."

"Just tell me where they are!" 


"Are you doing this to me on purpose?"

"Don't you mean, "Are you doing this to you on porpoise?" His eye twitched with annoyance.

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