three simple words

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10:30 a.m.


it's way too early for a saturday.

I check my phone, but there's no notification from michael.

I guess he partied too hard last night, something I was unaware he did.

my thoughts are interrupted by the well-known sound of my text tone. I look down to see a simple 'good morning, beautiful' text from michael. at least I know he's alive.

instead of sending a text back, I decide to facetime him. I know he's not busy since he just woke up, and I really want to talk to him about last night.

"good morning, camden," michael says, a sleepy smile on his face.

"good morning. I miss you," I say. I decide to wait and not bombard him with questions about last night quite yet. maybe he'll tell me first before I even have to ask.

"I miss you too. god, my head is pounding. I woke up with a massive headache."

it takes every effort I have to not roll my eyes.

"water helps hangovers," I suggest, a little sassier than I had intended.

"hangover? I don't drink, cam. that stuff is nasty," he responds, confused.

oh thank god. at least that's one less thing I need to worry about.

"so your snapchat story-"

"oh that," he starts, and laughs.

michael is laughing right now.

"it wasn't mine, babe. I promise, you can ask the guys."

"oh, well that's good to know. but I-uh was going to say that it looked like you had fun with juliet," I say casually, but I look down, nervous to what his response will be.

but then he laughs again.

"wait, you're not jealous, are you?" he asks, sarcastically.

"I-uh," I try to respond, but I can't get any words to come out of my mouth.



"I love you."

suddenly all my worries are gone, just by three simple words. and I knew I felt the same.

"I love you too."

I look up to see michael smiling wider than I've ever seen, causing butterflies in my stomach.

damn, I'm in love with this boy, and he loves me.

suddenly, he closes his eyes very dramatically.

"hey, even with my eyes closed you're beautiful," he sings, his voice melting me.

holy smokes I'm lucky.

who knew? // a michael conor storyWhere stories live. Discover now