And this is how it ends.

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5 p.m.


3 years later


It’s been three years since the night Drake walked out of his room leaving me there to cry, it’s been three years since he walked out of my life.


I deserved everything; I deserved being left behind by the person I loved. I screwed everything up. See I was the girl his brother was with a month before whatever happened to us began. His brother wasn’t very different from Drake, both of them had the chocolate brown hair and the piercing blue eyes but there was something in Drake that I never found in Josh, Drake was the one I loved all along.


Drake. His name never left my mind. Josh wasn’t the first of the brothers I had met; I met Drake way before I met him, I met him when I was the vulnerable, innocent, little miss goodie two shoes, Cici.


I still remember how he had fought for me when one of his friends decided to pull a prank on me. Drake along with his brother was always part of the “upper class” at the school’s food chain and I was pretty much at the bottom. I was an easy prey and his friends where mighty predators.


Drake wasn’t one to bully, he was cool and better than the rest that’s why the school looked up to him and Josh was the same. So I guess the day Stacey, the head cheerleader may it be cliché as it sounds bullied me, both of them stood up for me and it made me realize that Drake was a really nice guy, long story short I had a big crush on him.


And this is how everything starts.


I figured if I wanted to be noticed by Drake I had to change, I had to lose the innocent little Cici and become the rebellious girl who drank, partied and smoked her days away, Lacey.


Still Drake didn’t notice me. He was still one of the boys who played around and hooked up with random girls and well I was a beginner at being a rebel or whatever you call it so I decided to do something, and that was the worst plan I could’ve thought of; I used Josh.


It could’ve been obvious but Josh was heartbroken so I guess he didn’t mind either, we hooked up, I started hanging out with their clique, hanging out with the people around Drake just so that he’d notice me but one night while I was with Josh and apparently I couldn’t hold my alcohol as I thought I could, Drake’s name slipped and Josh found out. I owed him an explanation so I told him everything and he couldn’t believe it but he decided not to make such a big deal, the guy was very kind despite his bad boy image, just like his brother. Their clique must’ve gotten used to me being there and they didn’t mind me staying despite of Josh and me breaking it off.


Drake and I, well we started talking and I got what I wanted, we hooked up, but I was broken when he asked me to promise that whatever we’d do, there shouldn’t be any emotions attached. It was a challenge, a risk I was ready to take and so I took it.


And all hell broke loose because a naïve little girl thought she could be a person she never wanted to be.


I changed, I became an addict. I had hurt Drake just to get high. And so he left me.


Three years, it’s been three years since Drake disappeared; it’s been three years since—




I turned around to see the familiar chocolate brown hair and piercing blue eyes on a little girl calling her mum, calling me.


“Ellie, where have you been running off to?” I ask her as I pull her onto my lap.


“Daddy bought me a balloon!” she said while pulling on the string in her hand.


“But Where is your Daddy?” I ask her with a smile on my face and Ellie points to the direction where her father was, walking towards us.


“Right here and here’s a balloon for mummy.” He says handing me a pink flower shaped balloon.


“Thank you, Drake.” I say and he chuckles.


“You’re welcome Cic- I mean Lacey.”


It’s been three years since I found Drake, it’s been three years since I found the courage to tell Drake everything, we’ve changed, I’ve changed and now we have a little girl. But she’s not just a girl, she’s our girl.



// hi! omgosh girls is over! This is my first finished english novel and I am so happy! okay see I had thought of two endings for this story that's why I WILL POST AN ALTERNATIVE ENDING YEY! OKAY so actually I'll be posting TWO yes 2 alternative endings because I know some of you wouldn't be so amused with how Drake and Lacey's story would end so yea! hope you wait for it and i hope you enjoyed this story! Thanks to everyone who supported this story! and btw i MIGHT make a sequel yey! comment below if i should?

so basically I have two alternative endings and a possible sequel so yey me! ily all xx

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