JB - GOT7 (2)

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Requested by: Taemonster95

(I did it early because ILY)


I slugged out of my room tiredly and walked to the kitchen. BamBam was already up, cooking eggs.

He turned around and smiled. "Good morning, (Y/n) the Hair Monster."

"Let it go Thai boy." I grumbled. Every morning he would call me a Hair Monster because of my terrible bed head condition.

"That was rude. You're tempting me to poison your eggs." He joked.

"Please do." I mumbled.

He turned the stove off and sighed, pouring equal amounts of eggs on eight plates. He tossed some bacon next to it and topped it with cheese. "What's the matter, sweetheart?"

Another nickname.

"You know that Jaebum and I have—"

"—made out. Continuously over the past two weeks. I know." He smirked but also looked a little disappointed.

"He hasn't asked me to be... exclusive."

"What?" He chuckled and grabbed a plate of the breakfast and placed it in front of me on the table I just sat at. "What the hell does that even mean? Like do you guys become inclusive after awhile?" He laughed at his own joke while I cringed.

"He hasn't asked me out!" I whisper-yelled. I took a bite of the bacon. "I don't want to be his lip slave. I want to be with him."

BamBam frowned. "What about me? Will you go out with me?"

I glared at him. "You are a Thai pervert. I don't date pervs."

"But I'm big—"

"No. Don't." I sighed and finished my breakfast silently. Everyone else was still sleeping. They always sleep late on the weekends besides BamBam. He says that he's nocturnal. "Thanks for not poisoning me." I simply said while I left the kitchen and to my room.

Before I entered my room someone grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. It was JB. "Good morning." He smiled. He started to lean in but I put my hand in front of his lips.

"BamBam made breakfast. It's gonna get cold." I turned back around and closed my bedroom door behind me. I put my back against the door and slid down to where I was sitting. I wrapped my arms around my knees and cuddled my face in my knees.

There was a light knock on my door. "(Y/n)? Are you okay?" I ignored him and lightly sobbed into my knees. He knocked harder. "(Y/n)... open the door please." He said softly.

"Go away." I said. I got up and walked to my computer. I finished getting my stuff from Mingyu's house the day after I moved in. JB helped me and he made sure I didn't even see Mingyu.

I opened the laptop and looked through the browser at all the apartments I wanted to get. I had a total of three that I wanted but I could only afford to live in one. I got a job at a convenient store to help me financially. The guys always came and bought ice cream and try to convince me to get it "free" while I explain that it's not possible because I don't own the store.

Another knock. "(Y/n), it's Mark. I wanted to ask if I can talk to you for a bit." I sighed and opened the door. He smiled and entered, closing the door behind him. He sat on my bed. "BamBam told me about you wanting to date JB."

I rolled my eyes. Of course he did. At least I didn't tell Jackson. He would tell the whole country with his big mouth.

"He likes you a lot, (Y/n)."

"Then why hasn't he asked me out?"

"Because he likes you. He's so nervous to ask you he just chickens out."

"But he isn't afraid to kiss me."

"Again. He gets nervous and just kisses you. At first he just thought that kissing you meant you two were a thing but I told him he should ask you out. Don't tell him I told you, but I think he was planning something today."

I nodded and looked down. "I'm going to move out anyway. He'll forget about me."

Mark sighed and got up. "He won't." He simply said as he walked out and closed the door behind him.

I got my phone out and called the apartment's owner. I asked about the house and claimed it, with tears in my eyes. The owner wanted a rent, so I didn't need a loan, but I was still sad about leaving.

I made such good friends with the guys. Most importantly I am going to miss JB.

He helped me get over Mingyu. He always kissed me goodnight but he never said anything about wanting to go out with me. It hurt my heart because I love him. The last few days have been worse because of my realization. I love Im Jaebum.

I walked out of the room with puffy red eyes and into the kitchen where they were all eating. JB stood up immediately and looked sorrowful. "(Y/n), what's wrong?"

I sniffed. "I— I found a place to stay. I'm moving out soon and I won't be a burden anymore." I looked to the ground.

It was silent. They were all staring at me, some with tears forming in their eyes. "B-but you can't go!" Yugyeom whined.

"I'm sorry Gyeomie but I have to find a place and move on with my life." My eyes were still looking down at the ground and my head hung low.

It was again silent. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw JB. He was frowning. "(Y/n) can I talk to you? Alone."

I didn't answer.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me down to my room. He closed the door behind us. "(Y/n) please don't leave. We love you being here."

I sighed. "There isn't a reason to stay. You offered me a place to stay for a bit. Thank you but I'm going now."

His eyes softened. "There is a reason to stay."

"Why, so you could kiss me without asking me out?!" I snapped. I covered my mouth in realization of what I said and looked down.

JB looked over to my laptop. "You are really going are you?" I kept looking to the ground. "You aren't leaving."

"You can't decided for me—"

"I love you." He said.

My eyes widened. "You— you do?"

He answered by kissing me. He brought his hands on my back and pulled me closer. I kissed him back and brought my hands through his hair. "I do love you. Please stay. I want to spend my life with you. Will you be my girlfriend?" He pleaded. His eyes began to water.

I nodded. "Yes. But I'm still moving out."

"Then I will too. I'll move in with you. You owe me for letting you stay." He smiled and hugged me.

"Okay.." I wheezed out. "JB your— s-squeezing me."

"Oh!" He chuckled and let go. "Let's go on a date. Tomorrow at the movies." He smiled and leaned in.

We kissed again but the moment was ruined from yelling through the door. "So you're staying or leaving I didn't catch that middle part!?" Jackson asked.

I chuckled and shouted, "I'm leaving and JB is too!"

"You can't take my hyung!" Youngjae screamed. "You just broke 2jae!"

JB smiled and hugged me. "I'll see you tomorrow on our date."


I hope you enjoyed! Please vote comment and share! It means a lot! I'll maybe make a part three it depends on how much you guys want it... ^^

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