Chapter 15 - And pigs can fly

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Her | Him

Her | Him

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"Hey, it's me,"

Low voice, random number, the only other person apart from Sara and my parents that I speak to. It's my Hotline guy.

"It's weird when you call me, I don't like it,"

"Well I'm sorry, you'll just have to get use to it"

"I'll try....You left me hanging yesterday, what was that for?"

"I rang to say that I've talked to those guys who cornered you two nights ago,"

"I knew you knew them! How though?"

"Through sport"



"You gave them the black eyes didn't you!"

"I don't know what you're on about"

"You're smiling! I can tell! I saw them today round school, no wonder they kept breaking eye contact with me."

"They won't lay a finger on you again,"

"My knight in shiny armour"

"Anything for the princess"

I ignored the blush that raised to my cheeks and the butterflies that grew in my stomach.


"Ok nope I highly regret that!"

"Send round some Sushi, I'll let you choose,"

"Some classics coming right up, Al will be on his way now,"

"I think I see Al more than I see anyone,"

"Really? How come?"

"Cause he delivers the Sushi stupid, and I don't socialise a lot so he's the only human interaction I have most evenings,"

"What about Sara?"

"I said human, Sara ain't human. She's too crazy for that,"

"Very true,"

Tomorrow. Tell him about tomorrow.
It's the polite thing to do.

"So erm,"


"I kinda won't be able to talk tomorrow,"

"Why not?"

"My parents are coming home from Switzerland so I'm gonna go out for the evening with them, I haven't seen them in a while."

"Oh, er well I, hope you have fun."

"Thanks. Try not to miss me too much,"

"That won't be hard,"

"Sureee. I bet you wait staring at that hotline phone waiting for me to call,"

"You're the one who calls, I guess I'm just so loveable your heart aches so much for me you have to hear my angelic voice every night."

"It's Sara who's got the obsession with your voice,"

"Sexy voice...what a nickname. Matches the rest of me,"

"Watch out, your ego is about to bust,"

"But I'm just so perfect,"

"That's where I would disagree,"

"You have no idea! You haven't seen me yet. I could be stunningly perfect,"

"And pigs can fly,"

"I didn't know you had learnt to fly!"

"Hey! Now that was uncalled for! You're lucky we aren't talking in person or your nose would be broken"

"I need to go, my shifts about to end,"

"Really? Or are you making an excuse to leave."

"Maybe a bit of both,"

"You're an idiot,"

"But I'm your idiot,"

Something about what Ed said made stomach summersault. It was a weird feeling, but I felt a smile creep on to my face.

"Very true,"

"Night, Annie."

"Night Ed,"


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Ahh why are Ed and Annie so damn cute. I do like a good badass couple of characters but I'm enjoying writing these laid back kinda people.

Also, I have been to Switzerland. It has some very pretty mountains.

What's one of your favourite places to go?

Apart from my bed and the fridge, I'd have to say Italy or Switzerland.


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