Chapter 11 - Must be nice

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Her | Him | Her friend

"This is Holvan's Sushi blah blah blah you get the message,"

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"This is Holvan's Sushi blah blah blah you get the message,"

"You're lucky it's me who called and not someone else,"

"No one else calls, I've told you that, but thanks to you I'm getting paid extra since Boss thinks I'm working extra,"

"That's cool you get to earn a benefit from speaking to me! Do you work in the restaurant as well?"

"Yeah, but only sometimes,"

"Hurry up I'm hungry"

"Now that's a voice I've definitely not missed,"

"Hey don't be rude Sexy voice, I want the usual, quick hop on it,"

"Yes ma'am right away ma'am, am I always on speaker?"

"Yup, it makes things easier, it means I can multitask."

"While I'm here struggling with a phone between my shoulder and ear, speaking to other customers and serving Sushi every now and again,"

"That's impressive,"

"Tiring as well,"

"Hey, sexy voice where's our Sushi?"

"Someone's in a grump, it's on its way Sara, patience."

"She's had a bad day, her all-time crush looked at her but didn't say anything,"

"Hey stop gossiping about me,"

"Well I've added a discount to your meal, hopefully, that should cheer you up,"

"Thank you sexy voice!"

"And she's gone,"

"Gone where?"

"Downstairs, to wait for the Sushi."

"How can you two afford to eat this much Sushi! Is unbelievable,"

"The only perks of having rich parents,"

"Must be nice,"

"Oh trust me it's not as great as it sounds, sure the money is great but never seeing your parents cause they are constantly at work or abroad? Being an only child? That shit gets lonely,"

"You're right that sucks I'm sorry, I couldn't imagine not seeing my parents,"

"That's why I'm with Sara all the time she's basically my sister. I often stay at hers and she stays at mine. She's my only real company,"

"Why don't I hear her every time you call?"

"I sneak away, she's just embarrassing sometimes. Talking to you is the only time I get away."


"But she's the most amazing friend I've ever had so most of the time, I don't care,"

"I had better be going, you've got a friend to comfort and I've got work to catch up on,"

"I was gonna ask you about that! How on earth do you get all your school work done and work at Holvan's Sushi and then still have time to talk."

"I don't. You've ruined my schedule. I hang with my friends before work and because the Hotline use to be so empty I did my homework while manning the Hotline. Now I talk to you, I have less time."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry,"

"Don't be, I enjoy our talks,"

"Stop flirting you two, I'm still here."


"Going? Perfect, see you later sexy voice"



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I know I said I relate to Annie but I'm definitely Sara on some days. Who doesn't get angry when their crush suddenly ignores them?

Anywho, as always, keep reading!

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