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The atmosphere was cold and chilling, giving the dark room a deathly feel that sent shivers down each woman's spine. There were several rooms and halls, the only source of light being the torches hung on the walls. Candles were displayed around as well, masking the heavy scent of death. In the center of the room lay several strange objects which consisted of canine like bones and pictures of each girl that stood in the room.

The girls were hidden behind dark colored cloaks, but it was obvious they had a nervous vibe. They must have been unsure of what they were doing but continued. One girl stepped forward, beginning to chant words from a seemingly old book. Her voice was monotone. After finishing she immediately turned around, her eyes focused on one of the cloaked girls.

As if on que, the other two girls grabbed the much smaller one, tearing away her cloak and dragging her towards the center of the room. They snatched up her arm, revealing each wrist towards the girl who seemed to be taking the lead. The girl in charge stared down at the smaller girl, "You've done so much for us, thank you."

The smaller girl began thrashing and struggling to get away but the other two held on tight. Sliding a knife out from within her sleeve, the girl placed the blade firmly against the smaller girls wrist before slicing it deeply. Blood seeped and spewed from the wound, leaving the smaller girl screaming in pain. Afterwards she repeated what she did to her other wrist, causing another shrilled scream. The blood dripped down onto the bones and pictures, leaving them caked in the gooey substance.

"Goodbye, Alice." The girl then placed the blood soaked knife against her neck, causing a thin cut to appear. She pushed the knife further against her neck and with ease it sliced open. The smaller girl began crying out, choking on her own blood. The two holding her tensed, releasing the girl from their grip and allowing her to fall onto the assorted items and choke to death.

The two girls quickly retreated away back into place. "I can't believe she actually did it.." one girl chuckled lightly. "Shut up, we have to be quiet!" One whisper yelled in response. The girl began chanting again, before gripping the blade of the knife in her palm, causing it to bleed. She moved her hand to the side, causing the blood to drip onto Alice's corpse and the other items before finishing her chant. She immediately backed away towards where the other girls were.

The room was quiet and still, and no one dared move from where they stood. "See, Dylan! I told you it wouldn't work.. we have to hide that body.. !" One of the girls whispered but was immediately silenced by the snarling of what seemed to be a canine. "What the hell was that?" Dylan, one of the other girls questioned, turning around in search of the sound. The other girls copied her actions.

"It's just a stupid dog probably.." Sarah replied, being the girl who helped Dylan hold Alice and prepare her for death. Dylan shook her head, "We shouldn't have done this!" She frowned, regretting this whole idea. She let down the hood of her cloak before dashing off down one of the halls, her heart beginning to race. "Fuck! She left, can you believe her, Marissa?" Sarah rolled her eyes.

"The way out.. where is it.." Dylan gazed around, wondering if she might have been going in circles. She suddenly stopped in her tracks, squinting her eye. There seemed to be a dark figure down the hall. "Sarah! Is that you?" She questioned, slowly nearing the figure. She halted after realizing the figure was much larger than Sarah. "Sarah..?" She whispered quietly but received no response. Turning around she sprinted off, but no matter how hard she tried she couldn't make it out or back to the others. It was like an endless maze. She stopped after a moment, leaning against a wall to catch her breath. She closed her eyes, thinking happy thoughts. Opening her eyes she looked up at the dark figure looming above her, their eyes glowing. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain hit her abdominal region, causing a gasp to escape her followed by a whimper. She sharp pain was dragged up towards her chest. She realized it was getting hard for her to breath and soon stopped. Her body went limp, before slowly falling down onto the floor with a loud thud.

"ugh.. I bet Dylan is gonna be a little snitch.." Sarah said her name with disgust, pulling down the hood of her cloak, Marissa doing the same. Sarah had short blonde hair which differed greatly from Marissa's long black hair that was held up in a ponytail. "You should go after her, Sarah.. We can't have her trying to contact the police.. I'll get this mess cleaned up.." Marissa said calmly. Sarah simply nodded her head before walking down the hall she had seen Dylan go to.

"Dylan! Come out, there's nothing to be afraid of.. it was a silly prank! Alice is fine.." Sarah called out for Dylan, continuing to search around for her. "She must have left.." she muttered angrily, turning around and heading back to the room Marissa was currently in. Unfortunately she seemed to have gotten lost. "Dammit.." She growled, looking down. She tried remembering the way back. She averted her eyes towards a body slumped over against the wall. "Oh, Dylan is that you? I knew you wouldn't have left without us.." She smirked, kneeling down next to her. She placed a hand on her shoulder, giving her a light shake, "Lets head back.." She smiled, moving her hand from her shoulder. Dylan's body toppled over, causing the color to drain from Sarahs face. "Dylan..? What the hell, this isn't funny! Get your ass up!" She snapped. She tried lifting her up, but recoiled away after feeling the red liquid touch her.

"D-Dylan.." She whispered, backing up slowly until she felt her back press against something.. no, someone.. "Marissa?" She sobbed, before feeling two hands make their way up her back then around her neck, beginning to squeeze tightly. She coughed, beginning to gasp for air. She tried crying out for help but she couldn't. Her eyes began rolling into the back of her head, and her body went limp. The hands retreated from her neck, it looked as if they had evaporated into thin air. Her body fell, leaving only Marissa left.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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