Well...... I like him....

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This is so stupid! I'm being hated on by a guy that I like because of what a person that already hates me said. I aint gonna say names so..... Figure it out. Im just going to try to ignore them. They keep making up all this stuff about me. My ex boyfriend, Tanner, is now dating her and i just want to be friends with everyone and not hav drama. Thats not working though. This is so stupid!!! Im tired of this shiz. I hate this drama. I want all the drama to stop. Can you guys do me a favor? If anything is being said about you, dont say anything about them because that is what they are expecting you to do. Just ignore them and forgive them. Dont say anything about anyone unless you have proof that it is true and even then dont say it because that could ruin someones reputaion for life.

Just keep to yourself. I hate drama. I dont try to create it. Last night I was thinking about when I found out that Tanner was cheating on me...... I know he is chetaing on her and I told her but she doesnt beleive me. She told me she was never my friend and that she never liked me. Both of my ex boyfriends from this school told me that they never loved me and they never even liked me. I told them that I just want to be friends. I told all 3 of those people that but they said that they didnt want to be friends so..... Im just trying to make it through the rest of the year.

Goodbye guys.... Love you. ❤️😞😔😣😕😟

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