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(Jughead's POV)

Things never felt so right in my life, until now. The Jason Blossom drama is closing, and things are all going slowly-but-surely back to normal. But who knew that it would be far from over. This time, it's not about someone else, it's not about any of my friends, it's about me. 

I woke up on Saturday morning, intertwined with the new girl. I honestly didn't really know what I was doing at the time, or at all for the past two days. Something in me was just so curious about this girl. 

I tightened around her small body, in a stretching kind of way as I tried to get out of her embrace. Getting up from the bed, I watched her spread out into the white blankets. All I wanted to do was to get back in the bed and curl up next to her, wake her up with small kisses and watch her silver eyes blink awake. It's weird because relationships were never my strong suit. 

I did feel bad though, just a couple days before I told Betty I loved her. I don't know if I feel the same about her anymore, I know that I may be moving too fast but I didn't care. The way Luna looks at me, the way she relies on me, just the way she talks to me is so different than Betty's and I's conversations, and the more time I spend with Luna, the more I forget about Betty. 

It's too early to do anything, It was all going too fast and I needed to feel things out. 

I walked into the living room and sat on the couch checking my phone.

Hey, what's going on? I was thinking we could get a quick shake at pops :)



Whatever, we can do something in the morning. Gnight sleepy head.

I never felt so bad in my life, I had two missed calls from her along with the messages. I dialed her number.

"Hey, juggie!" She greeted,

"Sorry I missed your calls, I fell asleep a little early last night." I lied.

"Can we meet at pops?" I added,

"Of course, meet in 10." She said, hanging up the phone.

"Ditching me already?" I turned back to the hallway to see a sleepy Luna.

"Sadly," I smiled at her, she rubbed her eyes before making her way to the coffee maker.

"I really appreciate you staying over. It really helped me," She said innocently, pouring the dark liquid into a black mug.

"No problem, I enjoyed our sleepover." I walked over to her grabbing another cup.

"It's been a while since I had a slumber party." She took a sip of it and leaned against the counter. It was hard to control myself around her, especially seeing her hair all beautifully messy and her body flawless.

Stop it Jughead, think of Betty.

I mentally told myself.

Closing my eyes for a second as I took a sip.

"Same here, ill catch you around okay? I hate to drink and dash, but I have to take care of something." I said finishing my cup and throwing it in the sink. I looked back to her to see a different expression plastered on her face. 

"Tell Betty I said hi." She said, 

"I'm joking, just pretend that last night never happened." She saved herself, I could tell she was hurt a little bit but I couldn't do anything about it.

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