Chapter 7 | welcome hayd |

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I was having a amazing dream until I was woken up by Gwen and Mae running in our room. Practically running over each other if I might add.

"Guys what do you want. And where the hell where you last night?!" I asked still half asleep.

"Well I was in Taylor's room and Mae was in Shawn's, but that's not the point" a big smile crept across Gwen's face, "HAYD IS COMING TO MAGCON TODAY" she screamed out while Mae was just bouncing around.

"Oh yay my sister is coming today" I rolled my eyes, sarcasm in my words.

"Oh come on Annie you haven't seen your sister in atleast 2 years and she's bringing Maddy!" Mae was bouncing around like tiger while talking.

"Who is that?" I asked.

"I'm not sure but I guess some girl she knows from her dance group"

My sister went to a dance college here in Florida and travels the world for shows with her dance group. I would be lying if I said I wasn't jealous, cause I was. A lot. It's the reason I usually never talk to her. She only talks about dance and where she's going next. Hopefully this time will be different.

At that moment all the boys ran into the room screaming nonsense and talking about who knows what.

"BOYS!" I screamed, "is there a reason you're in our room?"

"Well I'm here to see my beautiful girlfriend" shawn laughed while wrapping his arms around Mae.

"Me to" Taylor mirrored shawn, but to Gwen.

"Um, did I miss something" I asked confused.

"You missed lots, but that's not important" Mae turned to the guys, "Annie's older sister and friend are coming to magcon today" she winked at them.

The room echoed with a bunch of




I just laughed these boys don't know how annoying Hayd can get. The first sentence that comes out of her mouth will be about dance and they'll get bored in a second.

I pushed the guys out of our room and the girls got ready.


*2 hours later*

After waiting forever for the girls to get ready, we finally all piled into the limo. Matt cuddled up to Annie and I could tell cam was pissed.

"Dude if you like her go for her. Don't matter if matt has her. They aren't even going out" I told cam.

He just kept his stare on Annie and Matt, "But Annie seams so happy"

"Whatever, do what you want. But ether you go for her now. Or you be her pillow to cry on when matt breaks her heart"

"Oh that won't be happening" Cam glared at Matt, who just gave him a confused look.

When we finally reached where magcon was being held I couldn't be more happier. Cam probably would have started to beat Matt up if we where in that car for a second longer.

We all got set up and the fans started to go wild when we got called out onto the stage.

The first part of Magcon was un-eventful. Jack and I just sang our 3 songs, followed by Jacob and Shawn.

I was already tired, so when the meet and greet part started I couldn't be happier. I love my fans but I love my sleep as well.

I had gotten through about 20 fans when they started to get pushy.

"Hey guys, be carful, don't hurt each other!" I yelled to them.

"UM OW!" I heard a girl yell from the middle of the crowd. I went over to look and she was on the ground holding her wrist.

"Are you ok?!" I asked her, helping her up.

"Yea I'm just trying to get to my sister"

"Oh well who's our sister"

"She is"

The girl pointed to one of the booths. Behind it Annie sat in a chair while matt took pictures with his fans.

"Woah your Hayd?" I asked.

"The one and only" she rolled her eyes, " and I would like to get over to my sister"

"Well you can stay with me and jack, we don't mind" I flashed her my famous smile but she still wouldn't budge.

"Ok fine whatever". She slumped down in the seat that was behind our booth and went straight to looking at her phone.

"Are you here with anyone else" I asked her.

"Yeah my friend is coming" she didn't take her eyes of her phone.

"So are you like able to live without that thing", I pointed to her phone, "or Is it like your life"

"Look I'm here to see my sister not to answer any of your questions. So please move so I can get to her" and with that she walked away.

Jack started to laugh uncontrollably behind me.

"You sure do get the women"

"Oh shut up jack" I glared at him.

I don't care how much Hayd didn't want to talk to me. She was gonna talk to me.


I know this chapter wasn't that good. I'm gonna make them a lot better once I take magcon out. The boys will still be in it just magcon won't be :) so please bare with me because the chapters will get ALOT better! Love y'all

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