Author's POV:
Jimin is 7 years old, He's not much of an extrovert and is very shy. Park Jimin has no friends at his school, Its hard to make friends with people like him
Things changed when a new kid came to their class
"Students!! Everyone gather around. We now have a 27th student in our 1st grade class!!"
The new student comes into the classroom and the first thing he said was "Wow....theres alot of kids in this room"
The new student was wearing a white t-shirt with some black,Nike sweatpants with the ends of the pants hugging his ankles. With some timberlands to complete the look
"Hi everyone!! My name is Jeon Jungkook, I moved from Seoul and now I am here in beautiful busan! I am 6 years old and my mom is....old" everyone chuckled softly
"Thank you Jeon, Okay....I want everyone to go to a station since it's Friday and we do stations and nap time every friday" There was stations for pretend cooking, pretend babysitting, and dress up. Jimin on the other hand....liked to sit in the corner and stare at the window...hoping his mom would pick him up soon. Jimin likes to wear denim overalls with a black t-shirt under it and some crocs. Jimins day went interesting when Jungkook came over and sat next to him
"You look like an interesting kid" Jungkook said with eyes full of lust
"H-Hi" Jimin stuttered which made Jungkooks heart flutter
"Your cute" Jungkook chuckled
"I-I am cute?" Jimin said confused
"Yeah....Your a cutie"
Jimin blushed and said "Wow...Thank you"
"How old are you?" Jungkook asked, smiling
"7, So I am your hyung"
Jungkook pouted "I never get to be called Hyung!"
"Haha, and I thought I was cute, Maybe I should tell you my name...I am Park Jimin"
"I thought you were Korean" And that comment made Jimin burst out laughing
"I am Korean haha, I meant my name is Park Jimin"
"Oh I was worried for a second" Jungkook said relieved
"Do you wanna be friends?" Jimin asked shyly
"Are you kidding me? A friend on the first day of 1st grade?!?! Heck yeah!!"
Jimin blushed "Great!! I am a shy person so I don't like to go out alot"
"I can that why you sit in a corner?"
"Yeah....It is" The bell rang intending for students to get their towels and nap on them for a bit. Mrs. Chaein, their teacher, turned off the lights and all the kids went to sleep.....except for one
"Why is it so quiet?" Jungkook said pretty loud
"Shhh Jungkook it's nap time your suppose to be sleeping" Mrs. Chaein said
"Ohhhh okay"
*an hour later*
Mrs. Chaein turned on the lights and everyone awakend and even one kid Jumped and yelled "it's already morning?"
Everyone laughed at Jungkook and Jungkook even chuckled at himself. A couple minutes later, everyone's parents started to pick them up "Bye Jimin!! Hope you have a great rest of your day!" Jungkook waves to Jimin as he was leaving"Bye Kookie!" That was Jimins nickname for Jungkook
"Eomma look!! Were gonna have a new neighbor!" Jimin said while looking out his window and saw a new woman moving boxes
"Well Jimin, why don't you go visit them?" Jimin happily Jumped from his bed and ran towards the door, opening it up and was shocked by the big moving truck. He stood in the middle of his front yard until.....
"Jimin!!" Jimin heard a familiar voice and the boy unexpectedly jumped on Jimin and clinged onto him like a koala
"Oh, Hi kookie~"
"Looks like we are neighbors!!" Jungkook showed his bunny smile and that's when Jimin knew.......He had a little crush on Jungkook
"I know!! This is so exciting!"
Jungkook then jumped off of Jimin and They both awkwardly stared at each other. Both of the boys eyes filled with lust
"Do you wanna stay at my house this weekend? You know...since You kinda don't have a room and furniture" Jimin asked shyly
"I would love too mochi!"
"Yeah...its my nickname for you, And Im assuming Kookie is my nickname?"
Jimin chuckled "Yeah, Kookie sounds cute"
"Just like you~" Jungkook added on. Jimin blushed hard
"Jungkook, I have seen you have made a new friend already?" Mrs. Jeon walked up to the boys.
"He's in my new class eomma....He invited me to stay at his house for the weekend, can I eomma?"
"Yeah yeah, Sounds good. If you need anything I'll be unpacking boxs okay?" The mother said and Jungkook nodded
Jungkook followed Jimin into his house but before they reached the front porch Jimin tripped over a stick they had in their front yard and Jungkook fell with Jimin, Making Jungkook hover above Jimin. Both boys faces were close, It almost looked like they were gonna kiss. Thankfully they didn't
"S-sorry" Jungkook stuttered
"Its okay Kookie" Jimin said, Jungkook helped Jimin up and they kept walking to his house. Once Jimin opened the door he saw his mom just relaxing on the sofa after a hard day from work
"Hi Eomma! This is Jungkook, I told him he could stay for the weekend since he doesn't really have a room right now""Okay Jimin that's fine, But remember that your cousin Jin is coming over" Jin is Jimin's gay cousin, He is 14 and is in 8th grade
"Oh yeah...when is he gonna be here?" Jimin asked
"He's gonna be here any minute"
Jimin and Jungkook went to Jimin's room and they both jumped flat onto his bed. Jimin surprisingly had a king size bed so it was huge "I only have one bed so we can both sleep in it"Jungkook smirked a little "Sounds good, Hyung"