Forget it

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The next day Jimin went to school, Feeling depressed and didn't want to do anything anymore without Jungkook. But the necklace that Jungkook gave Jimin still made him who he was

Once again, like every friday, Jimin was staring out the window. And this time....He was crying, hard. He missed his Kookie, He missed all of his precious words and now it's all gone. Jungkook is gonna be 19 by the time he gets back. He'll be all grown up! Jimin is not able to grow up with Jungkook or even graduate with Jungkook....Jimin pulled his hair in frustration as hot tears ran down his cheek

"Park Jimin Are you alright?" Mrs. Chaein came over to Jimin who was crying in the corner of the classroom like always, it was a rainy day as well

"I miss him...." Jimin whimpered


"Jeon Jungkook"

"What happened?" Mrs. Chaein started to stroke Jimins back, He didn't like it though....Jungkook Did it better when he was over and cuddled him when he had that nightmare

"H-He moved, but he's coming back in 12 years..."

"Aw....i am so sorry Jimin, I feel so bad for you"

"No you don't....y-your not m-me. You don't h-how much pain I a-am in"

"Jimin calm dow--" Mrs. Chaein got cut off by Jimin

"I miss him!! He was my only friend and he might even forget about me....I know Jungkook is coming back what if he....just forgets about me in 12 years?!?! I have been depressed ever since he left and I just wish he was here!!!" Jimin yelled and now all eyes were on him....


Jimin rolled his eyes as he walked down the hallway to the principals office"Kookie won't forget about me.....Or maybe he will" Jimin walks into the office slowly and takes a seat in one of the chairs

"Good morning Jimin, I see you seem a bit everything alright?"

"I....i....Miss someone i l-loved ever since he moved h-here and now he's gone for 12 years and i-i don't want him to forget about me"

"Aw....Are you talking about Jeon Jungkook?"

"Yes....." Jimin tried so hard to keep his tears in but he just couldn't. He let his tears out in his hands and sobbed. The woman at the front desk came up to him and held him tight in her arms "H...He said he w...would never leave me" Jimin said in between his sobs

"Would you like to go home Jimin?"

"Yes please....I can't be going to class like this" She let go of Jimin and called his mom

"Yes....Mrs. Park? Your son is not feeling too well and he needs to go home.....Great....Bye"

"Thank you"

"No problem Jimin"


"You miss him don't you?" Mrs. Park said as they walked into their house

"Yeah.....i want to grow up with him but... He'll be all grown up in 12 years"

"Jimin I am s--"

"I wish other people could understand the same pain I am going through!!" Jimin yelled and ran up to his room then slammed the door behind him. Jimin started to cry....and cry....
And cry....."Jeon Jungkook, Your the only boy  who makes me feel this way" Jimin held tight onto the charm on his necklace. All Jimin wants is for Jungkook not to forget about him....

*12 years later*

"Jimin!! Time to go to school!!" His mother yelled from downstairs

"Coming Eomma" Jimin said while grabbing his backpack and rushing to his mom's car

"Excited to be a senior this year?" She asked

"Eh....Yeah, I just...." Jimin looked down at his charm "I want to have the best year since its the last to be a high school student"

"Yeah" The mother said "Me too....Have a great day, son"

"You too" Jimin then got out of the car and entered the high school.  Jimin still......even after 12 years has, no friends...His bullies are the only one who actually pays attention to him. His bullies like to make fun of his necklace alot...Jimin puts his bag into his locker and gets materials for his 1st hour class, Math.

"Good morning class!!" The teacher, Mr. Sino said as Jimin sat in his seat. "Today....we will be having a new student today, please be nice to him and show him around" Mr. Sino smiled "Come on in"

The new student came into the classroom and Jimin already knew who it was at first sight of his face


Jungkook cleard his throat and said "Hello everyone, My name is Jeon Jungkook and I am from Seoul, south Korea. Um...hopefully I can make alot of friends and I am not good at fighting so please don't bully me" Jungkook made the class chuckle

"Very nice Jungkook....why dont you go sit next to....Park Jimin"

Jimin raised his hand in excitement and Jungkook sat in the empty seat next to Jimin
"Hey stranger" Jimin jokely whispered to Jungkook

"Um...Hi?" Jungkook said sounding confused

"Do you remember me Kookie?"

"Kookie? your dreams, Only the people who love and care about me can call me Kookie"

"Jungkook? It's me Jimin!! Park Jimin! We use to be so close when we were little, Remember?"

Jungkook pretended to think, then said "No, I have no clue who you are" Jimin showed Jungkook the chain on his necklace, Jimin on the verge of tears......He knew his Kookie would forget about him

"It has your nickname on it, Kooks..."

"Yeah, Must be a different a Jungkook because I have no memory of giving you that or even meeting you" A tear left from Jimins cheek, This couldn't be happening...after all this time Jungkook doenst remember his best friend.....They cuddled, kissed, and even saw each other naked when they were younger

"Jungkook.......You have to remember me please, You promised me you wouldn't forget about me"

"I am sorry Park Jimin but I don't know who the heck you are!" Jungkook raised his voice and of course the teacher scolded him

"Jungkook!! I am letting you off the hook since it's your first day but if you keep taking to Park, Detention for both of you" Mr. Sino said sounding annoyed

"Thanks.....alot" Jungkook teased, sounding mad

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