Chapter 1

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"Bye mom! I love you!" I holler to my mother, starting out the door. Suddenly I'm pulled back by a firm but gentle hand.

"You're not leaving with out a hug, Emerald!" She pulls me into a tight hug.

"Goodbye,my baby girl. I'm so proud of you!" She squeezes me one last time before letting go. I look at her to see tears filling her eyes. Seeing them makes my own water.

"Don't cry -sniff- you're gonna make me cry!"she nods and pets me behind my furry white ears, causing me to purr."Mom!!" I squeak and remove her hands. I'm sure I'm a tomato 🍅. My mother just giggles, but then becomes serious.

"I'm going to miss you, baby girl."

"I'm going to miss you too, mama -sniff-"

"Just have fun, make friends, and learn as much as you can at True Cross Academy, OK?"

"OK" I say, but immediately thought no one is going to except me there, just like no one excepted me here. Though I can't blame them, I'm different from every one else. With fluffy white ears and tail, I don't look completely human. I'm often accused of being a demon even though I'm not. I shake my thoughts off and smile at my mom.

"Good bye, mom. I love you "

"I love you too, baby girl."

I walk away, trying to keep the tears at bay. Once I'm almost out of sight, I look back and wave. Mom waves back and goes inside. I turn and walk again. True Cross is 35 miles away. I'll probably arrive at noon, seeing that I woke up early. I walk with a bounce in my step, excited about the new school.

  😸Time skip brought to you by Kuro, 'cause he's adorable😸

Almost there! I think excitedly. I'm at the edge of the city, looking in awe at the colorful shops. Then I hear a loud rumble coming from my belly. I blush deeply and hope no one heard. I look in my pockets and groaned. Empty, broke, nada. No money at all. Guess I'll have to do my little trick.

I duck into an ally and shift into my cat form. I strut out and sniff the air, trying to get a whiff of food. There it is! I follow my nose to an older looking man sitting on a park bench. He's eating a tuna sandwich, the smell making my mouth water. I mewl softly and gently paw at his leg. He looks down at my big sad looking eyes and smiles.

"You hungry, little kitten?" He asks me. I put both of my front paws on his leg. He chuckles and pulls some tuna out of the sandwich. He lowers his hand to me and I start to lick up the food, careful not to bite the man. Once every bit of tuna is gone, he pets my head and behind my ears. I purr loudly and he chuckles again.

"I wish I could take you home, but my wife would kill me." He mutters to me."Run along now, kitty." He shoos me with his hand and I walk off. I wander around, looking for the academy. I smell something familiar, but can't figure out what it is. I hear rushed footsteps and suddenly I'm tackled by a streak of black and white. The animal and I roll and the familiar scent fills my nose. A cat! But it doesn't smell right, like something's different. Could it be like me? No, that's not the right scent. We stop rolling and I pin it down. It, he, seems surprised by this. I hear footsteps and heavy breathing behind me.

"Kuro, you can't just that" I can hear the boy's smirk."You got your self a girlfriend, huh?"

It's not like that, Rin! She doesn't smell right.

"Oh, is that it?". Yeah!  "OK, if you say so".  I'm momentarily destracted, giving Kuro enough time to flip me. If he can talk to cats, is he like me? I sniff the air. No, he doesn't smell like me, but he doesn't smell human either. I decide to try to talk to him.

Can you call off your guard cat? I ask him politely. Look up to him and see a surprised expression on his face. He then grins and motions Kuro to jump off. He hesitates for a second, but jumps off. I get up and shake, trying to get the dirt off of my white fur.

" So, kitty, what's your name?" the blue haired boy asks me.   Emerald. I answer."Well, Emerald, do you want to be my familiar?"he kneels in front of me. Is that like a friend? I ask excitedly. The boy nods with a big grin on his face. Then I'd love to!!!! I jump into his arms and he scratches behind my ear.

But Rin!!! You don't even know her!! Kuro hisses.

"I can tell she has a good heart" he, Rin, replies. Kuro sighs and jumps onto his shoulder. Rin stands up and starts walking. Where are we going, Rin? I ask. Right then did my stomach decide to growl very loudly. Thankfully my fur hides my growing blush. Rin laughs.

"Well first, let's go to my dorm to get you some food" he chuckles a little more. And a bath! I really need a bath. He and Kuro look at me like I'm crazy. What? Kuro pushed me into the dirt! I feel horribly dirty.

"I didn't think cats liked water?" I don't. I just don't want to lick it off. I don't know about you, but dirt taste nasty. And licking means fur balls, which are disgusting!! I make a face, scrunching my small pink nose up and shaking my head. They both laugh at me, and I look at them like they are crazy. What's so funny? "You! You're one weird cat." I stick my tongue out at them, but that just makes them laugh harder. I start to laugh with them, we laugh until our belly's hurt.

I think I'm going to stay a cat for awhile if it means I can have this much fun.

Word count 1037
January 13, 2018

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