Chapter Two: The Mirror

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Hi all, thank u so, so, so, so, so, so, so, so much for reading!! (I wanted to include more so's, but sadly I don't want to waste time:)

P.S. Sorry that I haven't updated in forever, it's because I've been too busy updating my fanfiction for Keeper of the Lost Cities. Again, if you've read the series and want to check it out, just click on my profile and see works it should be there:)

Here's the chapter:)

For a second time seemed to slow down as Annabelle stared at the parcel, confused. There wasn't even a label attached to the shiny paper, let alone an envelope. Rosie seemed just as puzzled, her hazel eyes wide in curiosity. Then she snapped. Lunging for the package, her nimble fingers swiftly tore open the glittery wrapping.

"I'm sure this is the Barbie doll Serena said she was going to give me!" Rosie squealed excitedly. 

"Uh, may I remind you that it's my birthday?" Annabelle said, glaring as Rosie removed a second plastic packet from the bag. She looked away, and reluctantly swallowed the rage boiling inside her stomach. Leave it to Rosie to ruin her birthday. 

Forcing a smile onto her lips, she glanced back at her sister. Except Rosie had fallen quiet. For inside the inner package was a mirror, plated with small white daisies.


"It's pretty, " Rosie said, once they were back in Annabelle's room. "Can I keep it?" Annabelle repressed a sigh at Rosie's familiar phrasing. Clearly Mum's 'sister bonding' plan wasn't exactly working. Not for her, at least.

"Maybe later, Rosie, " she said. "I'm trying to work out why someone would give this to me. "

"Yay! Can I play too?"

"This isn't a game. "

"But we could be investigators, just like my favourite book, Nancy Drew!" Rosie dug out a graphic novel from Annabelle's wide bookshelf. "See? I could be Nancy, and you could be-"

Annabelle stopped herself from slapping her sister, and instead settled for a warning. "Rosie, could you please, um, go? I kind of need some time here. "

Rosie crossed her arms. "Or you mean you're trying to get rid of me so you can analyse the mirror for yourself, right? I'm not stupid, you know. "

Annabelle bit her lip. That was what she had been hoping for, but...

"It doesn't matter, Rosie!" Annabelle practically yelled. "Will you please just get out of my sight?"

But Rosie wasn't backing down. "Let me help!"

Annabelle shook her head, knowing she was dangerously close to shoving Rosie out the door. "Alright, " she finally conceded. "On one condition. "

Rosie flashed her sweetest smile. "And what would that be?"

"If you say something annoying, you're out of this- permanently. "

Rosie batted her eyelashes innocently. "I never say anything annoying. "

"That was an excellent example you just gave me. "

They stared each other for a minute, so intensely Annabelle could see every little golden fleck in her sister's eyes. Then she blinked. 

"Okay, Annie. I will try not to annoy you. " Rosie crossed her hand to her heart, and her expression was so solemn Annabelle almost laughed. "What? I'm serious. "

Annabelle's forced smile turned real as she rumpled her sister's hair. "Good girl, Rosie. As long as you keep your promise. "

Rosie's dimples caved her cheeks in as she grinned. "Let's get started!"

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