Chapter Three: Plans

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Hi everyone! I want to make Mirror of the Dreamdaisy a series, but I'm going to need everyone's opinions on what I've written so far. Pls rate out of 5 so I can have a good idea:)

P.S. If you don't vote- remember I might not write a sequel/ other books:)

P.P.S. Wow- Keeper of the Lost Cities Fanfiction reached over 100 reads! Thank u those who have read it- even if you didn't, thanks for reading this!:)

Happy reads,


Annabelle squinted at the mirror, trying to work out what significance it might have. Or what...a loud squeal broke her concentration.

"Rosie, what have you done now?" shouted Annabelle, her voice so loud it practically reverberated off the walls. 

A few crashes and a thud later wasn't really much of a response, though Annabelle ran to check anyway. "What on Earth...?"

Rosie had left piles and piles and piles of clothes lying in a crumpled heap on display in front of her wardrobe, and was now clutching a pork pie hat, jacket, and magnifying glass. 

"Look!" she said. "Now we can be real detectives and solve the mystery of the magic mirror!"

Annabelle stopped herself from rolling her eyes. "Ro-sie, " she sighed annoyedly. "We don't even know what it is yet, let alone if it's magic. "

"But lots of things are magic! Like Santa Claus, with his magic sleigh! Or the Tooth Fairy, with her magic fairy dust! The Easter bunny and his magic chocolate eggs! Or-" 

Annabelle groaned. Or the magic way you manage to aggravate me, she thought. Nine year olds.

Thankfully for Rosie, the doorbell went again before she could throttle her sister.  Racing down the stairs two at a time, Annabelle shoved Rosie out of the way and threw open the door, expecting to find another suspicious parcel again. Or at least another note. 

Instead she saw a familiar person. A skinny honey-brown haired boy now with a wide smile lighting up his face. 

"Alex!" she exclaimed, wrapping her best friend in a hug. He blushed, streaks of colour running across his cheeks.

"Hi, Annie, " he said when she finally pulled away. "We haven't seen each other in ages, so I thought I might come and I interrupting something?" He glanced between Rosie and Annabelle. 

"No, no, we were just, that is...anyways, I'm so sorry I didn't check on you, is everything okay?"

"Yep. What about for you?"

"Fine, I guess. Except for the fact that Rosie's being twice as annoying, " she replied, feeling her sister's eyes burning into the back of her head.

Alex grinned, showing even deeper dimples than Rosie's. "I totally get what you feel. The twins are just..." he shuddered. Annabelle smiled, remembering Alex's mayhem-causing sisters. 

"So...what do you want to do?" he asked. 

She leaned closer to him and whispered, "I've got a plan to ditch Rosie. Once we've done that, we can talk undisturbed. "

"Sounds great. And it'll be just the two of us, right?"

She nodded. "Yep. " In truth, she actually was looking forward to having her best friend to herself again. Now that they were in different classes at school, she never got the chance to see him. "I'll handle Rosie, " she mouthed to Alex. He nodded.

"Rosie, " Annabelle said in the nicest voice she could muster. "I've got something to show you. Would you mind coming upstairs with me? There's a good girl, " she added, winking at Alex. His eyes were fixed on the pavement, and he seemed to be trying to control his laughter. 

Whisking Rosie upstairs, Annabelle tried not to feel too guilty about locking her sister in her bedroom. Wedging the doorstop under the door before she could change her mind, she ignored Rosie's shouts of protest. 

Alex was waiting for her in the garden, cross-legged on the ground between the tulips and hyacinths. "What did you want to show me?" he asked. 

Annabelle took the mirror from her satchel. "This. "

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