That Day at the Store

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Concept: Wendy Darling sees Peter Pan doing a good deed and curious as to why.

Wendy never thought she'd witness the day where Peter Pan, the most popular player in school would do something nice for someone.

See, She went to her local bookshop as she always did on Saturdays, only to find him placing 20 dollar bills in various different books which she found rather odd. This was because, Peter wasn't known as the charitable type, instead his reputation suggested that he was a rude, badass player who had no time for losers. After a mental debate with herself she came to the decision that she would approach him and question him on his actions, because she was curious. At first, Peter didn't notice her figure, stood next to him, to focused on his current activity. Peter was misjudged by his peers, they all assumed their schoolmate was a monster without even attempting to dig a little deeper. No one at school was aware of his past, so no one really knew him.

"Peter," Wendy greets, the sudden presence of another human being shocking him, he releases a scream. When he catches a glimpse of Wendy's face he stiffened and his heart thumped rapidly in his chest at the very sight of her, he hoped she didn't notice his deed, the reasoning being that he didn't want his reputation to be destroyed.

"Wendy," He responded

"Why is Peter Pan in a book store?" Wendy questioned, crossing her arms and raising her eyebrows at him "Especially when your called books 'worthless escapes for pathetic losers like Wendy Darling', Hmmm?"

It wasn't a lie, Peter was guilty. He remembered how hurt she looked when he called her that but he only did to look cool around his friends. He was a bit hypocritical, but he actually did enjoy books.

"That's an example of the type of things I say around my friends. Doesn't mean I mean it, It's just to look cool." Peter explained

"Oh yeah," Wendy tested, laughing sarcastically "Would your friends think putting money in books you aren't even purchasing, cool?"

'Damn, she knows' He thought

"They aren't here," Peter reminded her

"I'm intrigued," Wendy stated "Why do you put money in books?"

Whenever Peter was around Wendy, he wanted to own all his truths, he wanted to spill everything to her, but the truth was, they weren't even friends, practically strangers, she was just someone he saw out in the hallways and was in a few of his classes, but he felt something weird inside him when she was around. And now, he wanted to tell her what he was doing.

"Well Wendy, I don't know if you're aware of this but I grew up in an orphanage."

Wendy wasn't aware of the fact. Shock became evident on her face, she didn't know Peter had gone through anything like that.

"I wasn't,"

"Anyway, when I was about ten, a wealthy family adopted me, and now when I get my allowance, I leave money for people to find, today in books. It doesn't completely change their lives but it gives them some hope."

Wendy didn't say anything but a simple "wow" out of astonishment.

Wendy now witnessed Peter in a different light, she simply misjudged the boy like everybody else. Peter was a good person, even if he tried to keep it hidden, even if people didn't see it. Peter Pan wasn't completely villainous after all.

Word Count: 577 words

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