My Toothache

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"Y/N I baked cookies!", my roommate Hoseok screamed.
"Oh yum!", I turned off my laptop and quickly headed downstairs. I took one of the chocolate chip cookies and bit into it.
"Aassshhh Ow!!!", What the heck?
"What's wrong?", he asked?
"Ugh. My stupid tooth hurts." My roommate Hoseok is telling me to go the dentist, but to be honest, I'm scared of the dentist. I know right, I'm 23 and afraid of a tooth doctor. Dumb right?
"Just Go Y/N!! Just go...It's not a big deal!!",he'll say. I've never told him the story of why I hate the dentist. Ever since I was a kid, the dentist I had would be so rough on my teeth and he would clean so hard, blood would draw. He never asked if I was okay or hurt, he just kept going, the more tears that dropped down my cheeks, the more I got scared. I've never been to the dentist since. Hoseok finally convinced me to go, so I made an appointment with his dentist. His name was Kim Seokjin.
The next day I woke up and wore a yellow hoodie with some black leggings and brown uggs. I took my car and drove to the office. I walked in and was greeted by the front desk lady.
"Hi there! My name is Edna,how can I assist your today?", the old lady asked.
"Have you seen a guy named Seokjin?"
" I'm guessing you are a new patient. Yes, he is our dentist. I'm guessing you are the 2:00 appointment, luck for you, you have him last, he really gets a good clean at the end of the day.", she assured and sat down again. I sat in the waiting room reading a children's book when someone called me from the door. I look up and saw a nurse. She took my X-Rays, and I waited for Dr.Jin. Two seconds later, I heard my door knob turn and I look back from the dentist chair to see Dr.Jin standing there waving at me and smiling. My cheeks just got so red, pink, and blushed, that I'm embarrassed to look up.
"Let's start our appointment!". Jin said with Joy. I laid on the dentist chair while Jin was doing something on the computeer.
"Are you ready Y/N?"
....."Ummm....", I said nervously.

Jin,My DentistWhere stories live. Discover now