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"Much worse? How come?" I ask, hiding all the way under the blankets again.

"Let's just go to school, okay?"

He says, and I slowly peak out of the blanket again. He turned on the light, so it's no longer scary.

I get out of his bed, take my uniform, and walk into the bathroom, to change. By the time I come back, Jungkook already made some breakfast, so we hurriedly eat, and then storm out of the house.

But all the way over there, Jungkook seems to be looking out for someone, and every time something moves or he sees another student, he jumps in front of me, but then sees who/what it is, and mumbles a small 'sorry', before walking a little faster, which makes it harder for me to keep up.


"I'll see you after class, okay?" Jungkook says, before he runs to his own class. I make it just in time, 10 seconds before the teacher comes in. The other students glare at me, to which I don't know why.


After class, I walk to me and Jungkook's place. The rooftop. I wait 2 minutes, he still hasn't shown up, then 5 , then 10, but there is still no sight of Jungkook.

I wait 5 minutes more, before I start to worry about him. I walk over to the end of the rooftop, to look out over the school. I don't see hi-... wait, over there! He is in the small alley. I run down the stairs, and through the whole school, until I end up at the alleyway. I peek inside, and see Jungkook talking with someone. Oh my god! It's the guy from the window earlier. I try to hear what they are talking about, but it's only small mumbles, so I don't understand a word.

After another 5 minutes, he walks out of the alleyway, but not the same way I came. I walk through the alleyway, to catch up to Jungkook, the man looking at me suspiciously. I am so close to get out, before a hand grips around my wrist, and pull me back, to which I give out a small whimper.

"How did you teleport from the other side of the alleyway?!" He asks sternly. I look at him dumbfounded.


His grip tightens around my wrist, and I let out another whimper. This time a little louder.

"Don't act so dumb! You think I didn't see you walking out of the alleyway from that side?" He points to the left, where Jungkook just walked, and that's when it hits me.

He thinks I'm Jungkook.

Heaven - Taekook Where stories live. Discover now