Chapter 1 - When Will This Rain Let Up?

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(Sorry I am leaving this note, but I have to say a few things! First off, I posted this on Fanfiction.Net too, Also, it might get sad at some points, and may seem sad now, but don't worry! it is only the first chapter. Lastly, the spot for your name is a blank space like this: ______. There is also a spot for your best friend in the story. I did not give them a name so you can replace it with any real friends you may have. Enjoy : ) )

"Come along, Love."

It was a dream. You knew it was a dream because he was there.

"You don't want it to start raining again, do you?"

No. It was a memory.

He led you forward, your hand in his, as you hurried along laughing, racing the storm clouds behind the two of you. A fond memory turned sour from time.

Thunder crashed, and your head jerked up. Your eyes were met with a bright light coming from a plane window, which, after adjusting, became the tops of buildings and ant-like people that seemed to get bigger by the second. You felt your face with one hand, confirming that this was once again reality. Your eyes were wet, and you felt a little cold under the thin brown blanket given to passengers, which your other hand was clutching tightly.

You stretched your legs out and yawned as you leaned your head on the headrest. You close your eyes again, clinging on to the fragments of the dream. Perhaps it was bad to like them after so long. Perhaps it was bad that you even had them. you open your eyes and mutter to yourself. "Oh well... I suppose it can't be helped."

You were glad to have slept through most of the descent. Avoiding ear problems from the pressure was always a pleasant surprise. Another quick look out the window showed the grey rain clouds that were a trademark of your location. As the plane touched down on the runway, that location was confirmed by a polite woman on the radio overhead.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to London City Airport. Local time is 3:46 PM and the temperature is 14 degrees." The message was repeated in French directly after, which you tried to understand with your limited knowledge of the language.

You couldn't help but smile despite your nerves. As soon as the plane parked and emptied, you grabbed your luggage and eagerly ran off the plane. You picked up the rest of your luggage, and by the time you left the airport, a light rain had begun, and it smelled so familiar, so welcoming. your eyes shone as you gazed upon the city.

"It's good to be back."

Suddenly, you got a call on your phone. You moved under a tree as to not bother others and keep your phone out of the rain as you answered it.

"Hey, _!" The voice on the other end of the phone sounded too excited.

"Oh, hey, (friend's name)! I see your plane just landed!" you sighed. "Man, tracking sites. Isn't technology amazing?"

"Y-yeah! but... why did you need to track my plane? You KNEW I was coming today..."

"Well, actually..."

"...You DID know I was coming today, right?!" your voice got slightly more aggravated.

"Well, since this morning I did. Anyway, I needed to track your plane to catch you as soon as you got off! The thing is, your room isn't going to be... well, ready."

"What do you mean it won't be ready?! It's literally your building. You have the keys."

"Yes, well..."

"(friend's name)?"

"Yes, my dear sweet beautiful friend?"

"Where are you right now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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