Chapter5:New friends

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Adrien woke up and got ready for his photo shoot. When he came out of the bathroom he saw Danny awake and looking out of the window."Danny do you want to go to the photo shoot with me?" He looked at Adrien and nodded yes."Okay let me quickly get you some clothes from my closet." Adrien came back with a similar shirt and jacket like his and black skinny jeans. Danny took a shower and it felt like heaven for him.

He got out and got dressed. He puts on the bandages to make his injuries. "Okay I'm quickly going to talk to my dad about the school thing and you maybe getting crutches." Danny nodded and sat down on the bed.
Adrien walked to his dad's office and knocked on his door."Come in." Mr Agreste said. Adrien entered and took a deep breath."Father,Danny wants to know if he can go to school on Monday with me?" Mr Agreste looked up from his work."Well he is welcome to go with you. The new scenery will do good for him anything else?" Adrien scratched the back of head in nervousness."Danny's foot is still badly hurt and I was wondering if could get crutches and come with me to the photo shoot?" He stood up startling Adrien. He looked outside the window and it made Adrien more nervous."Of course he can. Nathalie will bring him the crutches."

"Thank you so much Father!" Adrien ran out to his room. Danny looked at him with wide eyes in anticipation."He said that Nathalie will bring some crutches and you will be joining me Monday for school." Danny smiled and sighed in happiness."Thanks Adrien." Adrien smiled and fist bumped Danny. Nathalie came in with two crutches and Adrien took them to Danny."Thank you Nathalie." She nodded and left.

Danny and Adrien left to the limo and Danny was smiling wide."How are you feeling?" Adrien asked. Danny looked at him smiling widely."I feel great. Thanks." The limo stopped and Adrien helped Danny get out. Danny got a good look at the park and it looks almost like the one back in Amity Park. A nice fountain was in the middle and a few park benches and kids playing with their friends or parents. He looked at a tree and he saw Marinette and Alya sitting under the tree."Ready to introduce you to Marinette and her best friend."

"Sure. Where's Nino?" Adrien and Danny started to walk to Marinette and Alya."He is babysitting his little brother." They stopped at Marinette and Alya."Hey Adrien. Who's your friend?" Alya asked."Marinette, Alya this is Danny Fenton. Danny. Marinette and Alya." Marinette and Alya looked at each then smiled."Hi." They both said."ADRIKINS!!"

"Oh no!" Alya said face palming."What's wrong?" Danny asked."That." Marinette said,pointing towards Chloe. She wrapped her arms around his neck almost bumping into Danny."Uh,excuse you?" He said."Ugh,Adrikins let's go away from these losers." She said pulling Adrien away from Danny,Marinette and Alya."Uh, I don't know who you are but us so called losers are his friends!" Danny yelled."Well then I'm the mayor's daughter. Chloe Bourgeois." Danny smirked."Oh so you are the spoiled brat." Chloe's vein was popping out on her forehead."Ugh,my daddy will here about this!"

"Oh no. I'm so afraid." Danny said in a mocking tone."Do you see the fear on my face? Makeup face. Just ask the popping vein on your forehead." She toached her forehead and looked more angry."You have no idea who you are dealing with!" Danny sat down next to Alya."And you don't know who you are dealing with me. You may be the daughter of the mayer but one of my dad's friends is also a mayor. Let's be smart although for you it must be hard to do that." Alya smiled wickedly."Oh burn,Chloe. Do you want some ice for that." Alya said high fiving Danny."Ugh. You'll be sorry!" She said as she stormed away from them."Whoa, you really stood up to her. I wish I could do that." Marinette said."Don't say that Mari. You stood up to Chloe a lot like with your uncle when she said that he'll not get her vote." Adrien said."Thanks Adrien."

"I should get going. Photo shoot." He said as he waved and walked to the fountain."Poor Adrien. His forced to do all this stuff for his dad." Marinette said."Don't worry Marinette. Once we graduate he'll be able to choose his own choices." Alya said hugging her."So,Danny where are you from?" Danny looked at them."It's something I don't talk about a lot." Alya looked at Marinette."Sorry we didn't know." Marinette said."Don't worry about it. It isn't your fault."

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