Day 8

45 1 0

21 April 2068

I woke up again except in a different part...again....This time im in a fancy little room with Luke whose name is 3, Tobi who is 16, and Natatscha whose name is 6. My name is 7. They were assigned to me...whatever that means. The Mornier (the master) is named 21 but we call her Sam, I think thats her real name.

Today is day I'm getting trained. They're gonna make us work out and get physical fit. We also learn how to use our powers and shoot guns.

Today a girl got shot for fighting the guards. She's in the clinic getting checked. This is the second time someone has said that we're gonna be hunted. "What if that's true?" Said Tobi. "Why would that be true? Does that even make sense? They're making Triphynairs to be hinted after spending billions to make us...then they want to kill us? That totally makes sense." Replied Luke. Luke is the voice of sense and pretty cute too. He can fly and become invisible. Tobi basically believes anything he hears and isn't the brightest. His ability is super strength and speed. Natascha is kinda quiet but I still don't know who she is even though I recognize her. She can bend things with her mind.

"When we will get the new shipment? " Sam asked this husky man I haven't see before. "Sometime next week. They don't want the newlings to feel superior just yet." Answered the man. "Superior? Dylan, they all just woke up. Give them time." Sam said. His name is Dylan.

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