Day 14 con.

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Dylan and I grab some food. "Oh my absolute favorite..the best damn 4 week old meatloaf with 30 day old fries! Great job to the chef!" Dylan says sarcastically. I chuckle. "So Karts, I was thinking how about we go to the range by Newstonand then go out for a drive around IOTM?" Newsyon was a new part of IOTM "restricted training access" but I'll be taking the VIP tour with Dylan. "Sure! Sounds fun!" I said trying not to seem over excited.

As we're heading to Newston, Dylan and I hear some shouting and screaming. "What the..." I say while walking around the wall as a girl comes flying around the corner knocking me to the ground my head slamming into the floor.

I try to stand up but I'm super dizzy all I hear is muffled shouting everything is blurry and dark. I see some figures running towards away from me. I try to scream Dylan's name but nothing comes out. I tell myself to get up but I'm struggling and for some reason the floor is vision is in and out of focus. "Focus Karter..what the hell is going on?! Why are my hands wet?? Why does my...." And that's when I saw it. The 5 inch blade stabbed into my left side. I didn't even feel it how did it get there?!

Oh the girl must have stabbed me when she ran into me...shit there's a lot of blood. I really need to take this blade out.

I touch it very cautiously and wince in damn that's a lot of blood. I try to stand up but my legs are weak..."blood loss" I think to myself. Ok, I'm going to have to take this blade out. I rip a part of my shirt off and wrap it around the blade and I lean against the wall..I take deep and slow breaths...."....1.....2......3!!!" The blade comes out quickly and I cover the wound with my ripped cloth. I struggle to stand up. *I feel like a new born calf with crosses feet....* I finally manage to stand up and walk very slow. "Dylan where are you?" I shout down the hall. "Dylan?? Dylan where are you??" I shout a little louder. I don't hear any's completely silent around me. "Dyl...." I fall to the floor. My breathing slows...everything fades out..."Dylan..." Everything goes quiet....."Dylan........"

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