Chapter 7

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At Daegu Hyehwa Girls' High School 7am, the bell rang and all the students settled in their rooms.

A lovely girl walked alongside her teacher and went inside Room 2-1.

"Good morning guys. We have a new student that will be joining our class." The teacher said.

"Hi good morning. My name is Myoui Mina. Nice to meet you all." then she smiled and looked at her classmates.

" then she smiled and looked at her classmates

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Dangerously In Love [Chapter 7]

"Woah!" the students exclaimed as they were astonished at how elegant and pretty their new classmate is.

"Mina is a top student at her previous school so I'll be expecting new competition here." The teacher winked at the class president.
"Mina you can go and sit at the vacant seat in the back now." pointing to the direction where Mina's seat is located.

"Thank you Ssaem." Mina bowed and went to her seat.

"Ok guys open your books and go to Chapter 10. Answer the exercises and we'll check that when I get back. I'll just have a quick meeting with the Vice Principal. No cheating, or else you know what will happen."

"Yes Ssaem!" the students obeyed. Daegu is very strict when it comes to school policies. Violating the rules will result to severe punishment.

"Hi Mina!" as her seatmate greets her joyfully.
"Oh Hi." Mina greets back coldly.

"By the way, I'm Chaeyoung. Son Chaeyoung." then she offered her hand for a handshake with a big smile on her face.

"Oh Hi Chaeyoung." Mina ignored Chaeyoung's hand and turned to her book to answer the exercise.

Chaeyoung looked at her hand that she offered, quite embarassed that it was rejected, then she just scratched her head with it.

"So, we'll be seatmates now. By the way, welcome to Daegu High!" Chaeng said, still with enthusiasm.

"Uh, thanks." Mina replied coldly without looking at her seatmate and just focused on what she's doing.

"Oh sorry, I see you're answering now. Just let me know if you need something ok? Nice to meet you by the way." Chaeyoung said with smile. She felt quite guilty thinking she was disturbing Mina.

"Ok." Mina replied shortly.

Then they were silent and continue answering their book.

Chaeyoung's POV

"Oh sorry, I see you're answering now. Just let me know if you need something ok? Nice to meet you by the way."

"Ok." Mina replied shortly.

Wow. I didn't expect her to be this cold. Maybe she's not in the mood today. Well, we have plenty of time to get to know each other later.

Chaeng thought as she looked at Mina busy with answering her book.

Dangerously In Love (MiChaeng)Where stories live. Discover now