Chapter 35

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It's 4pm now and Chaeng prepared to go out. "I'll have my training at 5pm. Will you be okay here?"

"Yeah. Take care." Mina replied shortly.

She didn't even want to go with me. She's still mad. "Gurae. I'll be back by 8pm. You can eat dinner first if you feel hungry."

Mina just nodded so Chaeng left with a heavy heart.

Dangerously In Love [Chapter 35]

During training, Chaeng is distracted. She can't help but think about Mina, she's worried that she might change towards her, that she might treat her differently knowing that she lied.

After training, she immediately went home, she's outside the gate now, hesitating to come in. Then she decided to call Mina first.

"Minari, I'm on my way home. Have you eaten dinner?"

"Yeah, I ate the leftover pasta."

"Aah ok. I'm almost there, I'll just eat when I get back."

"Gurae, take care. Bye."

Chaeng let out a deep sigh. "I bet she's still mad. Hmm? What should I do?"

Then she remembered that Mina said she eats sweets whenever she's upset. (Refer to chapter 12)

"I should buy something for her." Then she walked back to the main street and went to the coffee shop and bought one whole red velvet cake. "I hope she'll like this."

She's humming as she walked back to her house when suddenly it rained hard.

"Uh? Why so sudden?" She rushed to take shelter on the side of the restaurant. "Why didn't I bring an umbrella? Aigoo."

After 5 minutes, it's still raining hard and she's getting cold. So instead of waiting for the rain to stop, she decided to just run and get drenched so she can go home. She took off her jacket and wrapped the box of cake with it and then she ran.


After a few minutes...

"I'm home." Chaeng entered the house, dripping wet.

"What happened to you? Why are you drenched? Did you not bring an umbrella? And why didn't you use your jacket?" Mina asked as she approached her.

"Because the cake might get wet so I used the jacket to cover it. Would you like some sweets? I bought a red velvet cake from the coffee shop." She smiled as she showed off the cake.

Mina ran off upstairs and went to their room. Chaeng was confused on why Mina suddenly left. After a few minutes she came back bringing two towels. She wrapped it around Chaeng's body and head.

"Pabo-ya! You got drenched just because of this cake?!" She scolded Chaeng as she put the cake on the table.

Chaeng is just standing there, shivering. "I remembered that you like to eat sweets when you're upset that's why I bought that."

"Aigoo. Go upstairs and take a hot bath. I'll just put this on the fridge."

"Araseo." Chaeng replied. She sighed heavily as she walked through the stairs. I just made her more upset.

After taking a bath, she went to bed and wrapped herself with a thick blanket.

"Chaeyoung-a here's—...hey are you okay?" Mina asked as she entered.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine. I'm just a bit cold."

Mina noticed that Chaeng's face is a bit red. She went to her and touched her forehead. "Yah! You have a fever. Stay there I'll just get medicine. Wait, have you eaten dinner?"

Dangerously In Love (MiChaeng)Where stories live. Discover now