Loves Me? Loves me not.

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Ricky's P.O.V

Eventually he stopped filming, I don't know why but we both burst out laughing, I said goodnight, then he laughed again, ''I thought you wasn't tired?''  I replied ''YAAAS but I need my beauty sleep, I look terrible as you so graciously said'' he put his hand up to my face and softly said '' You look amazing'' then he looked away  ''Goodnight''

''Goodnight Kian'' I walked away and got into my bed, more confused then ever.

Kian's P.OV

It was all going so well, then I ruined it, he hates me now, I know he does, I am an idiot. As I fell asleep I thought of all the good times we have had, I smiled like a lunatic and drifted off.

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