Chapter 1.1

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        "Well then, I'm going to call you Reuben, I'm Jessalyn, but you can call me Jesse!"


It had been about two weeks since I had swam up out of that lake, and when I met my first real friend, Reuben the pig. We built a house in a tall tree because as I had discovered there were monsters in this world, and some of them went KA-BOOM! Yeah, discovering that was not my favorite. But in all the time I had been here, not a single human had been around, I was starting to fear that I was the only one. Finally I decide to head out and try to find some people.

Petra's POV;
Petra walked through the Build Competition, this year the builds were going to be close. Oh who was she kidding, the Ocelots were going to win, again. Petra normally wouldn't get involved with this kind of thing (because it was none of her business) but she was sick of tweedle dumb and tweedle idiot's constant fighting. Olivia and Axel were best friends, their favorite activity to do together was argue. Petra normally would ignore it and move on, but she was getting tired of Aiden being a little piece of shit. The Ocelots' second in command was the worst, he was rude, demanding, and an all around asshole. Petra actually felt bad for the other members, especially Lukas who had to deal with that guy. Lukas was the Ocelots' unofficial leader, he and Petra used to be... friends? But then Gill, Maya, and Aiden started to hang around him. As soon as idiot, moron, and asshole came into the picture, Petra was out. Since then she has been by herself, and she has begun to prefer it, people were annoying anyway. She made a name for herself as the girl who can get anything, speaking of that, she had something to deliver to Lukas and the pussy cats. She walked over to the booth the Ocelots had set up, Aiden spotted her first, he gave her a disgusting smirk. Petra rolled her eyes but remained cool.
          "Hey babe, you got what we ordered?" Petra sighed, for Notch's sake, did Aiden get dropped on his head as a child? She turned to Lukas who had come to stand beside the asshat.
          "Do you have my payment?" She asked tiredly, speaking only to Lukas. He pulled out a diamond, she raised an eyebrow, Lukas whipped his head to look at Aiden, who smiled as innocently as a snake could. Petra gave him a withering glare, he shrunk back slightly and pulled out the other diamond. Petra took both and handed them back their prize. Behind her she heard,
           "They have a freaking beacon, a freaking beacon!" Petra sighed, she knew that voice, she turned to see Axel and Olivia glaring at the Ocelots.
          "Petra, why would you help those jerks?" Axels asks.
         "For the right price, I'll help anyone," she said monotonously. "Listen if you want to win this, you need to build something that gets the judge's attention, not just something that works." With that she spun on the heels of her combat boots and walked purposely into the forest.
             She walked back to her... house, the sun had set. Petra never had really minded the dark, she minded the monsters. She would never admit this out loud but the world would just be better if there weren't monsters hiding in the shadows. A shrill scream cut off her quiet calm, Petra whipped her head in the direction of the shriek. She was running before she could even think, since when did she run off and play hero? She ran to the top of the cliff face, under her was a clearing surrounded by high cliffs. A girl and a pig were cornered by monsters. The girl pulled out a dingy wooden sword, and beat back a couple of zombies. To Petra's complete shock the girl had the technique of a master swordsman. Snap... her wooden sword broke.
        "You've got to be kidding me!" The girl yelled, she had a nice voice, silky and musical. Petra shook her head, clearing the star-eyed sparkle thoughts. She was just impressed with the girl's fighting, that was it! Petra looked down at the girl who now was being tackled by a spider. Taking that as her que, Petra jumped down, landing beside the girl, scaring the bacon out of the pig next to her. Petra used her pickaxe to stab the spider and drag it off her, hitting it until the spider poofed away. She did away with the other monsters just as quickly. When she turned to face the girl, Petra was taken aback, she was gorgeous! Long raven black hair, that complemented her lightly tanned and flawless skin perfectly, she had high cheekbones, full red lips, and most dazzling of all were her sparkling emerald eyes. She was wearing a pair of simple light blue overalls with a white and red t-shirt. Petra tried not to stare, but it was becoming impossible.
          "Who are you?" It didn't sound even a bit standoffish, more excited if anything.
        "I'm Petra, who are you and what's with the pig," Petra's gruff attitude didn't seem to phase the girl at all.
       "I'm Jesse! This is Reuben, he's my friend!" Jesse said excitedly, giving Petra a blinding smile. Petra stood there stunned for a second, telling herself to get her shit together, it's just a girl!
       "Pleasure to meet you, but I have to know, where are we? You see I'm a bit lost," Jesse continued.
       "We're in the woods," Petra said, cursing herself for stating the obvious. But to her surprise Jesse just laughed.
       "Thank you, I knew that." Before Jesse could ask another question hissing and growling sounded throughout the canyon. Petra regained her cool, finally getting back into her element.
       "Come on, let's get out of the open," Petra said, her normal confidence showing through. Jesse smiled at her,
         "Lead the way."


Hey wolf pack, I'm doing this chapter in a study block and my friends are being noisy as hell. My life has been a bit confusing so it's effecting my writing, that and I've been watching Stranger Things 2 like a maniac (I've watched the entire season thru about seven times). So like my other story there will still be shoutouts. So shoutouts for the day are; FOXYELPIRATAMLG, Partywolf48, Pastiecakes, chicken_nugget112233,   Petrafied101, YangTheWarrior, @Jentheplayer, @Fran_HONK, @baka_writes_things, and YinTheShadowWolf As always, Comment and Vote!
~Wolfe 🐺

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