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"Sincere, where are you?" I heard my friend Chae-Rin yell as I stayed quiet. The door to my room opened as she sighed. "Sincere..."

"What do you want Chae-Rin?" I groaned, not moving from my place on the bed.

"Are you still going through your mid-life crisis?" She asked as the scent off food started flowing through the room.

"Yes. Get that stuff out of here." I said as I sat up. She looked at me in disbelief. "I mean it."

"You haven't ate in five days. You need to eat something."

"I don't need any food. I'm trying to lose weight, not gain it."

"Why are you acting like this? You never had any problems about your body size before.." She sighed and placed the bag of food on the desk and sat next to me.

"Look at this." I unlocked my phone and opened Instagram. I clicked on my profile and clicked on a picture of me and Hoseok from Halloween.

 I clicked on my profile and clicked on a picture of me and Hoseok from Halloween

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(This is really cute and I love this movie 😍😍)

It was my favorite one that we've ever taken. I handed Chae-Rin the phone as she grabbed it. She looked at the picture and smiled.

"This picture is beautiful, Sin."

"Thanks Chae. But look through the comments." I said as she looked up at me. She sighed and looked through the comments.


ARMYINYOURAREA: Ew!! She's so fat!!! 😂😂😂
7.2k likes 73 replies

JjongsQueen65: Really Hoseok?? You could do a lot better.
1.8k likes 65 replies

CaveMeIn96: Lose more weight you slut!!
4.8k likes 79 replies

xxxihopeurdone: You don't deserve to be with him fatass!
2.7k likes 286 replies

ringdingdont: Hoseok needs to find someone prettier and skinnier than Sincere. 😩
6.3k likes 76 replies

R&VTime612: I wonder how much money Hoseok is paid to pretend to be so in love with her. 😂😂 Probably not enough.
3.5k likes 246 replies


"Sincere..." Chae-Rin looked at me as tears were streaming down my cheeks. "Hey, stop crying.."

"How can I stop crying when they're right? I am fat and Hoseok does deserve somebody else." I broke down as I rolled on my stomach.

"Are you even listening to yourself?! You are not fat, okay? You are beautiful and perfect just the way you are. And I bet Hoseok feels the exact same way."

"But what if he doesn't!!"

"He does!" Chae-Rin yells as she flips me over. "He has been calling me non-stop asking about you and that he's super worried. He told me that you haven't talked to him in days. And now I know why.."

"You cannot tell him about the comments-" I said as I sat up and looked at her.

"I have to. It's either you tell him or I will. And you know how mad he'll get if I tell him." And she was right. He would be pissed if he heard it from someone else and not me.

"Fine. I'll tell him. Just give me two days."

"Alright, you have the next 48 hours. Don't waste them sulking." Chae-Rin sighed as she grabbed a box of chicken. "And eat. I'm not letting you lose anymore weight."

Atelophobia | J-Hope AMBWWhere stories live. Discover now