chapter 11

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   Why? Why was all this happening to me, I'm not like them. I can't fall in love. And yet, as I lay there listening to my heart beat louder than ever before and feeling my stomach flutter and twist every time I remembered us sitting together last Saturday. It was impossible, against my genetic code, everything I stood for and everything I was taught. 

   Maybe I need something else to stand for.

   I looked over to the sleeping angel, her hair falling softly against her pillow and her halo glowing dimly. I barely even noticed it anymore, it was as much a part of her as the rest of her, like the flecks of gold in her sweet chocolate eyes and the soft pink shade or her lips and the way her hair curled and flicked at the tips. 

   I smirked. There I was again, thinking over every detail of her. I needed an distraction, anything. I rolled over and looked at the wall, but that feeling wouldn't go away. The one that dragged on my heart. 

   I closed my eyes in an attempt to sleep, to drift into darkness. A buzzing nothingness that I had found both comforting and terrifying. 


   I was in a cell. My wrists and ankles were clamped in iron and chained to the blood-soaked floor. My blood. My head was dizzy, a hazy fuzz of blood-loss, blood that was gradually returning to me, as is the nature of demon regeneration. 

   I recognized the place well, for how long had I been chained here? Tortured? And how long had I spent chaining others here? I had lost count a long time ago. But something was wrong, more so than usual. The walls felt like they were watching me, shifting slightly. Their invisible eyes piercing my skin making it burn. 

   I pulled myself off the ground, My legs still weak. I couldn't remember how I got here, what had happened? 

   I slump over the metal bars of the cell, noticing the familiar hand prints that had never been washed away. Why wash them, I had said, when they will just get bloody again? 

   The metal door slowly creaked away, opening for me. I frowned. I dragged myself through, the chains around me growing to compensate. 

   And there she was. An angel with brown eyes and a small white dress, looking at me hollowly. A shadowy figure looming over her like the puppet master over his puppets.

   "You betrayed me." She muttered, red tears rolling down her perfect cheek, her head twisted to the side curiously. "Why would you?"

   "I-" I heard myself stutter.

   "You locked me up, Rina. You tied me down. You did this to me." She cried. Salty water fell down my cheek. I raised my hand shakily, only to find myself crying. Why was I crying? "And now I'm Dead."

  "I-I didn-I'm sorry." I stutter, with no control over my body.

  Her mouth stretched into a grin, growing wider and wider. She walked towards me, her hips swayed and she giggled as she walked. All the sadness I saw a few seconds ago was removed from her face. She leaned into my ear, her voice now small and shaky. "She's in danger." She said. before backing away. 

  I was pulled sharply and went flying back into the cell. The door slammed shut behind me and darkness came from the edges of my vision. A heart-shattering scream reached out, and I knew exactly who it belonged to.

  "Charlie!" I yelled, My body tightly held to the ground. Panic swept over me like a wave, the screams continued until I was screaming with them.

   And then I woke up.


  "Rina! Rina wake up!" A distant voice called. My head burned. Where was I? I was... in hell? But that was impossible. "Are you okay? Did you have a bad dream? Are you hurt?" Charlie was leaning over my bed, shaking me by the shoulders. I looked at the halo. It wasn't there in the dungeons of hell. It's soft white light illuminated small strands of hair and the books on my shelf above her.

   "I'm okay Charlie calm down." I said as smoothly as possible while my heart beat painfully from whatever it was I just experienced, yet it still came out hoarse. 

   "Calm down? you've been screaming for 5 minutes and I couldn't wake you up. I thought..." She managed, sitting on the end of my bed allowing me to sit up. I breathed heavily, my throat sore from screaming. I tried to recall anything about what happened, how did I get in hell?

   "Was it a really bad dream?" She asked, looking at the floor.

   "I don't dream." I said before thinking, she looked my way with a raised eyebrow.

   "Everybody dreams."

   "Not me."

   "So what happened then?" 

   "I was... back home. And you were crying blood. And..." My voice hardened as I realized the message dream Charlie had given me. "You were in danger."

    "Sounds like a dream to me." she said, tilting her head. "You were screaming allot for a dream about me."

    "You were in lots of danger." I said, pulling my arms out to exaggerate how large the danger was. "Like, This much danger."

   "Right..." She giggled. "Well if it helps I'm not in danger, your here at school, I'm not crying blood, and it's a privilege to be in your first ever dream." She said getting up. "Are you going to be alright?" concern filling her voice.

   "I hope so." 

   "Here." She said, coming up to me and pulling me into her arms. I breathed in her scent of caramel and candy floss and closed my eyes. "I am okay. You are okay. We will both always be okay as long as we're together."

   "Promise?" I asked, feeling myself blush as how comforting I found the statement.

   "I promise."

AN/ things are getting weird in hope boarding school. yup. this is really late and short but, like, idk? stuff had to happen before the BIG stuff happens, which is going to be awesome and/or heart wrenching and should be next chapter or the one after and it's going to be really long an take forever to prefect because it's the most important thing. toodles! ♥

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