Chapter 56

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I had to tell my aunt about the baby. I sat there and stared at her for the longest time before I could say anything at all. She knew what it was. She could see it all over my face and started crying before I even opened my mouth.

            "Jazz...she's gone. And you...can't see her. You just...can't see her."

            Then I got up and left.

            My head was so fucked up after I told Jazz what happened that I actually went right back on post. After my shift was over, I did the pickups, just like every other day. After I collected all the money, I took it back to Rico. He counted out mine and enough for me to pay the crew, handed it to me, I stashed mine, put the crew's in my left Tim, and then I went right back on out on post. Like I had been doing every single day since I was eleven years old. Like it was nothing. Just another day. And it wasn't lost on me that everyone was looking at me like I was crazy as hell. No one would talk to me. Most of them were afraid to even look my way. Even the ma' fuckas who acted like they didn't know shit at first acted like they knew what was up then.

            I stayed out there all night. And the next morning, I made my rounds again. And then I gave Rico his money. And then I posted back up. I did this for like three days. I took everyone's shift.

            And nobody said shit to me.


            For three days.

            On the third day, Chance walked up to me with eight of his boys. I just watched them walk up. When they got close enough to me, they stopped and Chance walked the rest of the way up. When he got right up on me, he stopped.

            "That was fucked up," he looked me in my eye. "There was a roundup, but we didn't do that shit." He gestured to himself and the youngins behind him. I watched him. I watched everything about him, because I needed to know how the fuck there was a roundup in broad daylight that I didn't know anything about.

            I looked over Chance's shoulder at the rest of the new crew. They were all watching us, but then kind of spread out and started looking out at the street like they were on post when they saw me watching them. I looked back at Chance and gave him steady eye contact. He gave it back to me.    

            "We don't agree with that shit. So, if you need us..." He continued to look me in my eye.

            I watched him, and then the rest of the youngins for a few minutes longer, and then I dapped him up. "Aight."

            Then I went home.

            When I got to Rico's house, Jazz was sitting on the couch with Remmey, crying into his shoulder. I wondered when the hell Jazz had gotten home, and why the hell nobody told me. Remmey was holding her and wiping away her tears. He kept kissing her face and telling her everything was ok.

             None of this shit was ok.

            None of it.

            Jazz was dumb as fuck. Didn't she realize that Remmey was probably the one who did that shit to Angel? Remmey was Rico's right hand. Remmey had done most of the shit that Rico got credit for.

            I just shook my head and kept it moving to the back room. Stupid ma' fuckas. If they started fucking on that couch and Rico walked in, he was coming through blasting. And they knew it. I hated dumb shit. And now them together in Rico's house, after the shit Rico had just pulled...that was the. dumbest. shit that I had ever seen.

            And I wasn't in the mood for it.

            That's the only time in my life that I ever almost hit a woman.

And it was Jazz.

            My Jazz.

            I stormed down the hall to the back room and slammed the door behind me. As soon as I sat down on the bed and looked over at Angel's crib, I broke down and cried.


            And I didn't stop for a real long time.

            Rico was gonna die by Friday.

            I would personally see to that.



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