Crying At Midnight

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Crying at midnight is the scariest thing
Nothing matters except a terrible fear
Of losing him who is so dear
The only thing makeup could hide
The scars all down your arm
Was a sign of weakness and self harm
Even though I hate who I am I still stay here
For the only one who is so dear
People have yelled and hit me for the scars
But it's just digs a void of the terrible things

Crying at midnight is a selfish thing
"People care about you" is what they say
But who and why they can not answer
Just because I have these symbols of the past
Doesn't mean it is over.
It's never over

"Maybe just end it." And "You don't matter" create just a scene
that the school is cursed by this terrible thing
Seventh grader died of his own hands
Something no one will understand
Except the person who knows what he wanted
Thinks "I wish that was me."
Not able too pull himself out
And suddenly everyone cares

When someone is alive you hate them
For themselves they cannot change
Once "Loser!" "Worthless !" And "kill yourself!"
Has all been said
It's left with nothing but a boy who is dead

Once some is dead you love who they were
But inside it was all your fault
Never caring about who he was
and what he done
Just a shot in the head from that powerful gun

If I were to say "speak up." And "help him out."
With nothing than a cry or a terrible shout
It's how it works and how it is

I sit alone crying at midnight
Hoping for you that it was all a terrible dream
And seeing you again is a precious thing
Now hush the thoughts in your head
And talk to me and sleep in your
peaceful bed

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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