Ch. 14 The after shock

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Emily’s P.O.V.

The boys and I all went out for breakfast... well more like a late lunch. It was already past 3 when we got to the restaurant.  Danielle and Eleanor went back to their flat to change so it was only us who got food. We were all too tired from last night to cook anything so we all decided to go get some food. We were at this restaurant called “Brighton’s Bill’s” (A/N: it’s a real restaurant in London)

I feel like Louis is mad at me; like he’s giving me the cold shoulder.  What happened to make him feel like this towards me? Did he find out I kissed Harry? Or that I kissed Niall? But I mean Niall and I only kissed once and it wasn’t like he meant it.  Like legit, I’m pretty sure Niall got himself a girl last night. So what had my cousin in a bad mood?

We were all eating our food. I got bored and got on my iPhone. I opened the app to Twitter.                       I started to scroll thru my timeline.

“Tyler Posey with a new girl in London?”

I clicked it and my face went stone cold and my mouth dropped open.

“Tyler is found at a famous London club on Saturday night with a new mystery girl.  It is told the ‘new girl’ in Posey’s life is from America and is here in the UK for unknown reasons. Is Tyler replacing his co-star on Teen Wolf or was he cheating?  People at the club said they saw them dancing together and later headed off to the VIP section. Is this new girl famous? Is she a singer, model or an actor like Tyler? Look below and tell us if you think they are going to hit it off or are they just good friends?”

I scrolled down to the pictures. A gasp escaped my lips. There were pictures of us walking to the lounge and sitting together at one of the tables. It looks like we were deep in conversation and not even paying attention to anything around us.  There were more pictures and all the boys were staring at me. Did I say that out loud? One of the photos were one from when I went to get up but he pulled me down making me land in his lap. We were both laughing and looked like we were having fun.

I moved further down the article to look at the comments.

‘WTF? Whoever this bitch is, is crazy for thinking Tyler would ever love her sorry ass!’

‘Dude, the girl looks like she is drunk as fuck. Whore.’

‘Tyler what is wrong with you? Can’t you pick a pretty girl for once?’

‘LOOK AT HER! She’s all over him!’

‘I feel sorry for him. He looks like he doesn’t want to be there.’

I was pissed. I wasn’t going to be the girl who’s going to cry over this shit. Or worse, go back home.  These cowards are stupid. They can’t even say it in my face. … if they knew it was my face. I slam my phone on the table and walk out the restaurant.  This is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. I have been with the boys for over a week and nothing like this happened.  I mean they got pictures of me with Tyler but none with the any of the boys? This is all so crazy! And why in the hell why would they think I was famous??? This makes no since at all.

I was almost running out the door when someone grabbed my arm keeping me from leaving.

I turned around to see Liam…. Liam? But Liam never talks to me.

‘You saw it didn’t you?’ he asked with worry and hurt in his voice.

‘yes.’ I stuttered a little trying to get the words out. 

Am I about to cry? WHAT THE FUCK?! I’m being a baby crying over this shit.   Stay strong.  Don’t show anything. Don’t let Liam or any of the boys know you’re upset. Just be pissed off about it.

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