The crash

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Hi I'm carter daniels and right now I'm 3 years old driving down the rode with my parents on a rainy day to go see great grandma lilith in the hospital she's dying and I know it but my mom and Dad keep saying she's just going on a long journey so she wants to say goodbye

So we are driving to see her but things didn't go as planned and next thing I know crash

I'm now 15 and live in the foster system cause in that crash I was the only one that survived
I woke up crying sitting in my bed as the memories flooded back to the night my parents where killed in a car crash along with the driver who crashed into us I can still here my moms screams and her last words ' I love you baby girl' she tried to continue but it was to late she was already gone

I got up and whipped my eyes and got in the shower washed my hair and body and got out today I was going to a new foster home this is now my 14th foster home and 14th school and it's the middle of the year

When I move I will be going to sea side high but I don't feel like thinking about that now I have to get dressed I put on a crop-top hoodie it had maroon sleeves and the hood was also maroon but the front and back where grey then I put on black ripped jeans

I brushed my teeth and blow dried my hair leaving it wavy I then put on white low-top converses and walked out of the bathroom grabbing my phone and my bags walking down the steps and out to my social workers car off to New Jersey I go

After a very long car ride we where finally at the new foster home and right next door lived a boy he looked cool and I loved his motor cycle I wondered who he is

My social worker got out of the car while I stayed in next thing I know my social worker knocks on the door and I get out of the car

" hi sweetie we are your foster parents I'm Anne and this is dan" Anne said

" first off don't call me sweetie and second off don't act like I'm your real daughter because I'm not" I said

After what had happened to my parents I turned in to a whole different person waking up every morning in tears shutting people out being rude and not caring how I act or what I do I wish my parents where still alive but they aren't and I know that I think that's why I act the way I do

" oh okay well let us show you to you room" Anne said with a disappointed look on her face

When we where walking up the steps mia my social worker nudged me and whispered " don't be rude"

I just rolled my eyes at her and continued to walk down the hall and into my room my room was the last door on the left I actually liked my room compared to the rest this one wasn't bad

This room was set up with the bed on the far back wall and next to the bed was a bay window then my closet was on the right side wall and on the left was a bathroom the room walls where painted black and everything in the room had a black and white theme I liked it

" so do you like your room" Anne said

" yea actually I do" I said

" okay Ill leave you to bring your stuff up to your room and get settled" she said

" okay" I said

I walked down stairs and out the the car with my social worker nagging in my ear I opened the trunk and started getting stuff out then I saw the boy that owned the motorcycle he was kind cute and I could tell he was listening to mia and I but mia was getting on my nerves and I didn't really care what he thought

" if you would be nicer maybe this could be a permanent home" Mia said

" when are you going to realize my parents are dead mia dead and I watched them die and there was nothing I could do my moms last words are stuck on repeat in my head and you want me to act like everything is okay and be so nice well it's not happening cause everything is not okay" I said

" look all I'm saying is you could be a little nicer to people" she said

" why be nice when they'll get rid of me in a few months anyways" I said

I walked inside and set my stuff down and started putting it away then walking out and doing the same thing I did this only four times then I was done after that I took my phone and walked down stairs

" I'm going on a walk" I said and left

I walked out of the house and down the street and kept walking I got lost somewhere and couldn't find my way back it was already midnight and pitch dark only the street lights where on

I kept walking down the rode when someone grabbed my waist and I froze

" hey pretty lady" a guy said licking his lips

You could tell he was drunk because he was slurring his words so I gave him a smile pushed him and walked away

" damn pretty baby how are you just gonna walk away from me like that" he said grabbing me again

" let go of me creep" I said

Next thing I know I hear a motorcycle and then it stoped and the old man got punched in the face it was the kid next door

" need a ride home and by the way don't think this means anything" he said with an attitude

" why would it" I snapped back

He looked a little taken back but he got on the bike and handed me a helmet

" hold on sweet heart" he said and then started speeding down the rode

I grabbed on to his waist lightly and watched as the houses went by in a blur soon enough we pulled into his driveway and we both got off i then handed him back his helmet

" thanks" I said walking to the front door of my foster home and going inside

Once I got inside the lights went on and I rolled my eyes knowing what this was

" where were you" Ann said with dan sitting next to her

" out on a walk" I said as if it was the most obvious thing ever

After that I left her no room to talk and I walked upstairs and went to bed

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