loosing what didn't exist

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The world froze,for but a moment
Confusion,frightened and sad expressions all frozen on the faces of foxys freinds as they all watched foxy collapse to the ground
Suicide,the one thing they never thought their freind would do
And for it to be so suddenly truly shook them
Foxy knew...that his actions would wipe him from existence
From his freinds minds
From the world
From ever being made
He was...gone
Everything of him,every memory and moment
Just gone

And like that time continued on its path,its altered path
Now the gang stood infront of an empty wall
Crushing emotions still with them
But they where confused
Why did they feel this way?and why are they just standing here
They shrugged it off and continued with their day as if nothing happened

But something did,and that something is gone

(Tired and sad i write you this chapter befor i go to sleep way early,so enjoy)

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