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Bonnie was confused,chica has been gone for awhile now
She went to the gaurds office and hasn't come back
He went over to the office to see her in the corner of the room,curled up and crying into her knees
Bonnies eyes widened as he rushed over
"Chica whats wrong!?" He said concerned
She looked at him
"B-bonnie.....w-who is foxy?"

For a moment bonnie showed some form of emotion to that name
But only for amoment
"I dont know" he said
Chica wimpered

-----------------------somewhere else---------------------------

Where...where am i?
What happened?
I looked around at gray fields and trees
A black sky hung above
Am i..dead?
Theres something in the distance,it looks like a building?
With no where else to go i began to walk towards it,still looking around as i did
Birds flying in the sky seemed frozen and absent of all colour just like everything else
The small insects and animals on the ground where also the same
What is this place?
As i got closer to the building it became more clear what it was
As the only sign hang broken infront of the door
A Pizzeria?
What is a building like this doing here?
I walked to it hoping for awnsers
I pushed the sign out the way to see a large door that was already open,only darkness waited inside
Afraid of what may await for me inside i was hesitant to enter but the need for awnsers compelled me to go foward into the dark building


Bonnie's P.O.V

Eventually chica left the office,she had something in her hand
A necklace of some kind
She put it around her neck and sighed befor walking over to me and freddy
"You okay chica?" I asked her as she sat on the edge of the stage
"..ya...just..i-i feel sad,and i dont know why"

(Something short for now)

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