Chapter 1: You Can't teach old sins new tricks.

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Stuart was annoyed. Normally, he wouldn't do something like this. He braced himself as he opened the doors, he immediately felt the sweat hit him, the stench of body odour. He had to get changed. He slowly got changed and walked into thw room.
"Stuart! You're late 50 push ups, now!" The instructor bellowed.
"Can I... sit dow- OW! My ankle, I... have to... sit down!" Stuart lied through his teeth, trying to avoid the realisation that he may have to do exercise.
"Fine... catch up after you healed." The instructor ordered another person to run, no specific place, just to run. Stuart got up, went to the changing room, got changed and left, going home again.

"I guess you know why you're here, because of your... anti social behaviour." The therapist explained.
"It's not anti-social, it's just I see the world for what it truly is, a place of kill or be killed." Ulysses proclaimed standing up hastily.
"Now, you shouldn't really be standing... up for this." The thetapist gulped as Ulysses had picked a chair by now. Ulysses realised this and put the chair down, before sittimg down and putting his head in his hands.
"I understand my... passion isn't natural, but I don't know what to do, I mean if you had seen the wars of Julius Caesar, the bloodlust of Genghis Kahn, then you would have the rage of me too!" Ulysses declared.
"This is great, but this has to continue next week." The therapist admitted. Ulysses sighed and left.

"This... is degrading." Victoria admitted picking up a can of cola.
"You're helping the community, think of it." A person yelled. Victoria sat down and did nothing, she hated being belittled and degraded, especially by people she didn't know. The person looked at her sternly, Victoria continued to sit down.
"You know, it sure helps your pride to help the community." The person said to everyone else, who were busy picking up junk on the floor. Victoria realised that was a shot at her pride, the person knew why she was there, but for safety never spoke to her about it. She stood and started to help with the cleaning and she did a great job too, she even made sure the parks shed was waterproof. She decided to go home afterwards, hoping Stuart hadn't skipped his exercise class and actually stopped being lazy all the time, so she headed home.

Emily sat down, confused and unsure. She had felt like everyone was better than her, making her depressed.
"I see you are having troubles with being... envious towards others due to... possessive objects." The therapist read what was on the clipboard.
"I just feel like... everyone is better than me, you know? I mean I was comfortable with having the best phone, now the new ones come out. I had the Saachi 7, but now they've released the Saachi 8 and Saachi x, and now I feel like I don't matter. Everyone has a new dress or a new phone or handbag, but I don't have those." Emily sighed.
"It doesn't have to be about possessive envy." The therapist calmly explained.
"It's not just that. Everyone has a bettet life than me, even Stuart and he's just lazy." Emily yelled.
"Look, if it helps, I have a Saachi 6s, I think it's great, and yhats what you should think, that what you have is amazing. And what you are is amazing, you know it's not everyday you get to counsel a sin, except for Ulysses." The therapist joked.
"I guess you're right. Thank you and enjoy your Saachi 6s." Emily got up and left. She headed home, feeling good about herself for once.

Ben felt deprived. In a room, with other people feeling the same, it scared him and confused him. Ben noticed someone familiar, he looked like someone who he had a bad past with. He thought it was a coincidence and decided to continue meditating.
"Hey, dudes! I'm Guru Steve, and I'm here to help you with your problems. First up is... Ben." Guru Steve clapped vigorously as Ben anxiously made his way to thw front of the hall.
"Hi, I'm Ben, and I am a hoarder, which is pretty obvious as I am the sin of greed.  I had a problem a while ago, ever since then, not just me, but Stuart, he's sloth, Ulysses, who is Wrath, Victoria who is pride and Emily who is envy, we have hade our sins in overdrive, all because of... them." Ben shuddered grabbing at amything he could.
"Hi, Ben, I just wondered, you mentioned 5 of the 7 sins, what happened to Gluttony and Lust?" The person that Ben instinctively recognised the person, Ben had to leave, he couldn't handle seeing him, so he ran.

Ben ran like lightning as he noticed everyone else was there.
"You're so lazy, Stuart!" Victoria declared, "this is why you never change!"
"Okay, Victoria, I don't like Stuart, but think of your pride level." Ulysses yelled.
"I can't believe everyone hasn't changed." Emily screamed.
"Ulysses..." Ben stuttered.
"Not now, Ben! Stuart, you promised you would try at least." Ulysses bellowed.
"You went to anger management, how did that work out?" Stuart yelled.
"Look, all this fighting is making me look bad." Victoria stopped the argument. She went into her room and noticed a box on her bed with a note.
'Victoria, sorry I was so lazy that I spilt wine on the first one. Yours truly, Stuart.' Victoria opened the box to see a purple, flowing dress, she ran into the room and hugged Stuart. Everyone looked at the dress.
"Maybe Stuart isn't to lazy after all." Emily laughed. The phone rang and Ulysses answered.
"Hello, the house of sins." Ulysses tried to be happy.
"Hello, Ulysses." A voice said seductively.
"L-Lauren?" Ulysses started to sound more furious. Stuart suddenly started to slope in his chair.
"I appear to be in a situation where I need a place to stay." She admitted trying to sweet talk Ulysses.
"You're lucky I'm even listening to you right after everything you did to Stuart and to us." Ulysses yelled.
"It's just... I've changed, so has Geoff." Lauren proclaimed.
"We... will discuss it and get back to you!" Ulysses swiftly hung up and Ben looked at Ulysses.
"I told you, there was something I had to tell you." Ben admitted smugly.
"Shut up, look, Lauren and Geoff want to come back." Ulysses gulped.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2017 ⏰

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