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     I've been lying to myself a lot lately. I've been trying to assure myself that I'm fine, trying to brush off every bad thing that happens to me. But It's recently building up on my head. I want to let it all out, but I don't know how. I've wanted to vent it for so long, but I don't know who I would have done it to. I've wanted to be a better me. But I just find it too hard. So I just have to settle with who I am now. 

     Life was so much easier when I was younger. There weren't many problems. I wasn't stressed. I had people around me that I could trust with my secrets, and that I could love unconditionally. I had the parental supervision that I need for that very fragile transition into maturity. I don't have those now. I have to fend for myself. The stress is building up so much. I have mental breakdowns at least 3 times every day. I have waay too much on my mind It's not easy. I'm trying my hardest. But It's not working.

     I can't believe I forgot my manners. Manners maketh a man, I guess, heh. Hi. My name is Elijah Thomas and I am 14 years old. I go to a school that is on the other side of the country that I live in. My parents and family live on one, side and I go to school on the other side, basically. I don't want to travel for 4 hours every day to get to school (because of traffic), and 5 hours to get back (because of even more traffic), since that would mean waking up at 3, and going to bed at like midnight, since I have to do homework and all that. So what I do is board. Which, if you don't know, means living away from your family to make it easier for you to go to school. 

     Now you might think: 'Wow, that's great! You have indepencence, you're not under your parents roof, you can do anything you want, you don't have to go to bed at midnight and wake up 3 hours later!' Well, let me just give you a reminder. I'm 14. 14. I'm still literally halfway through puberty. Which means I'm still a kid, still dumb, still can't make my own desicions. So all the stuff mentioned before might be nice.. If I was capable of taking full care of myself. Which, let me tell you for a fact, I am 100% not capable of that. Not on my LIFE. 

     So all of those things turn into stuff like responsibilities that I can't exactly take care of alone, the stress is piling up on me from school work plus my piano practicing that I need to take care of, I need to make time to talk with the family, plus my grandfather died earlier this year, and it has been having a VERY negative effect on my workflow. I'm starting to wonder if I should give up. Everything in my life is just crumbling down. I keep telling everybody I'm Okay, thinking that I truly am. But now I know that I've been lying this whole time.

A/N: Well how's that for a prologue lol.. I'm gonna have fun writing this book.. 😏😁

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