{la fin}

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There we have it. "Anonymous" is finished. 

I just need to address some things and say some stuff.

First of all, I'm glad you guys enjoyed the story! I'm surprised I finished writing it in only ten days. Thank you guys so much for your support. Also, a huge amount of thanks to my readers from Hopeless Romantic. You guys are the best.

Second, since this is finished, I will be having new stories (obviously). I've kind of been putting off Shoot Up With Your Perfume, but I might publish that later before finishing. I also have a new story in the very beginning steps, but I'm so excited to share it later on! I'm pretty sure you guys will love it!

Third, if you have any questions/comments about this story, let me know here!! I'll be glad to answer questions and take constructive criticism. If you don't think this story was written well, tell me why!!

Overall, thank you thank you thank you for reading and enjoying. Have an absolutely incredible day/night/anytime!!!


Anonymous -- BrallonWhere stories live. Discover now